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Primary results set stage for high-stakes November election in key statewide offices

Two Democratic legislators and the incumbent state treasurer appear headed for party nominations for secretary of state, treasurer and attorney general in Tuesday’s primary.

PORTLAND, Ore. (PORTLAND TRIBUNE) -- Two Democratic legislators and the incumbent state treasurer appear headed for party nominations for secretary of state, treasurer and attorney general in Tuesday’s primary.

Two Republican state senators and a former prosecutor appear ready to oppose them in the Nov. 5 general election.

Ballots were still being counted. Oregon law allows ballots to be counted if they were postmarked by Tuesday and are received by May 28, or if they were at official drop sites by 8 p.m. Tuesday. 

This election cycle is the first since 2008 when all three offices are without incumbents running.

Secretary of state

State Treasurer Tobias Read appears ready to become the first in almost 50 years to move from one statewide office to another, excluding governor. Read, barred by the Oregon Constitution from a third consecutive term as treasurer, was easily winning the Democratic nomination for secretary of state over state Sen. James Manning Jr. of Eugene, 70% to 21%. Three other candidates split the rest of the early votes tallied. (Manning would keep his Senate seat; he is in the middle of his second term.)


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