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AU10TIX exposes vulnerabilities in identity verification processes

TEL AVIV, Israel — AU10TIX has launched a free security Risk Assessment Model that it says will enable businesses to conduct an initial assessment of their exposure to operational, security and identity fraud risk.The model draws insights from billions of transactions processed globally and years of expertise in risk assessment and mitigation, AU10TIX reports that it provides personalized insights and actionable recommendations to safeguard against critical fraud vulnerabilities in the identity verification processes.AU10TIX said that users that answer ten questions specific to their business, sector, security measures, and ID verification processes, will receive a customized Risk Assessment Report highlighting vulnerabilities across different key areas. The report provides high-level recommendations for bolstering overall security and operational resilience, enabling businesses to proactively manage their risk landscape rather than react to incidents.“Our new Risk Assessment Model is designed to provide initial indicators of potential risks, offering companies a clear starting point for understanding how we can help them accommodate and mitigate these challenges effectively,” said Dan Yerushalmi, CEO of AU10TIX. “The tool is integral in demonstrating our proactive approach to fraud prevention and the strategic support we offer our customers.”More information available at

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