News in English

IWF President Jalood: “There is an effective culture change in our Sport!”

Around 75 participants at the IWF World Youth Championships gathered today in the headquarters of the Peruvian Olympic Committee (adjacent to the competition venue) to attend the IWF Anti-Doping Education Seminar, an initiative staged in close co-operation with the International Testing Agency (ITA).

Athletes, coaches, and support staff had the opportunity to be briefed by ITA’s Ambassador Thais Cevada on the main aspects related to the anti-doping programme. The IWF President Mohammed Jalood and several members of the IWF Executive Board were also present to testify on the priority this matter deserves in our International Federation.

IWF President Mohammed Jalood

“We are very lucky to have the ITA onboard with us in this fight against doping. They are basically in charge of the entire implementation of the programme, and since 2018 this partnership has brought excellent results,” underlined Mr Jalood. “We are proud to say that in our recent and major competitions, no positive cases were found, indicating that there is an effective culture change in our Sport, when compared with the past. The education of our younger lifters, as it happens today, is also a powerful tool to consolidate this success,” added the IWF President during his initial address to the participants.

Thais Cevada, ITA Ambassador

Cevada then proceeded with her presentation, highlighting many topics that are part of the anti-doping educational programme, namely: the definition of an ADRV (Anti-doping Rule Violation), the principle of strict liability, the list of prohibited substances, the Therapeutic Use Exemptions, the dangers related with the consumption of supplements, and the reporting possibilities. 

“We know it’s easy to test positive without even having a full conscience that we did something wrong. That is why the principle of strict reliability must be accompanied by very strong sense of individual responsibility. You must be always vigilant and extremely cautious when taking a medication, a supplement, or even the food you eat,” reminded Cevada, a former competitive artistic gymnastics athlete.

The one-hour seminar provided the opportunity for all attendees to participate in a quiz and to request all the information they needed to correctly respect the motto #ILiftClean

IWF General Secretary Antonio Urso with Thais Cevada

In his closing speech, Antonio Urso, the IWF General Secretary emphasised that Sport should always be driven by strict “ethical and moral consideration. You are young athletes, and you have all the life in front of you. But you may face many obstacles during this path – however, if your moral and ethical principles are strong, it should be OK”. 

IWF EB Member Florian Sperl with the IWF President Mohammed Jalood

The gathering concluded with a very short presentation by the IWF Executive Board Florian Sperl on the IWF Sustainability Programme. As part of the concrete actions included in this strategy, all athletes taking part in the Youth showcase in Peru will receive a multi-use bottle to lower the carbon footprint related to the utilisation of single-use bottles of water. “In Mexico, last year, at the Junior Worlds, national delegations were invited to plant a tree. Here in Lima, we make a step further in the preservation of nature in a sustainable way,” summarised Mr Sperl.

After the seminar, an educational booth will be available this Friday and Saturday in the Championships’ competition venue. Thais Cevada will have the opportunity to answer all questions and provide information on anti-doping issues to all those approaching this space.

IWF Communications

Photos by Bob Willingham

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