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Mountain of rusting cars stinking of oil left to rot in pensioner’s garden as he’s given huge fine for not moving it

A PENSIONER has been slapped with a £1,200 fine after leaving rusty cars stinking of oil to rot in his garden.

Ivor Salter, 77, from Culmhead, appeared at Taunton Magistrates’ Court for failing to remove waste from his land.

Environment Agency
Ivor Salter, 77, appeared before Taunton Magistrates for failing to remove waste from his land[/caption]
Environment Agency
He was fined £600 for each offence and was forced to pay £1,000 in costs[/caption]

The elderly man confessed he failed to follow notices on two counts.

Ivor was subsequently fined £600 for each offence and was forced to pay £1,000 in costs, along with a victim surcharge of £480, DevonLive reports.

The court earlier heard how enforcement officers had discovered waste including end-of-life vehicles and parts when they inspected the site in January 2023.

A significant amount of mixed metal, mixed waste electronic equipment, along with general commercial and domestic waste was found with no sealed drainage.

Ivor had expressed his desire to clear the site to officers when they previously visited.

But he failed to do so and was handed a notice giving him until the end of the year to get rid of the rusty car parts.

In January, officers found a significant amount of scrap metal and vehicles, gas bottles, batteries, wood, tyres, rubble and both commercial and domestic refuse, some contained within skips.

There was also an odour which suggested an oil contamination in one section of the site, the court heard.

The site possessed a T9 Waste Exemption, allowing scrap metal recovery only, under the pensioner’s name, the court heard.

Ivor’s land had an S1 exemption, which permits waste to be stored in secure containers with an S2 exemption allowing the securing of waste in a safe place.

The T9 exemption only allows the treatment of specified types and quantities of scrap metal.

The site must also be fitted with a sealed drainage system to prevent liquid runoff.

Chris Lawson, from the Environment Agency, said: “Waste exemptions have strict limits and conditions that must be complied with to protect the environment.

“If we issue a notice to clear waste from a site and you fail to comply, you risk prosecution, a fine and a criminal record.”

It comes after a postman revealed the council should be “thanking him” after he was slapped with a £10,000 fine for mounds of junk and scrap piled in his garden.

And a homeowner who piled broken fridges, old road signs and even a car into his garden has been charged almost £3,000.

What your rights are over waste/rubbish in your garden

Your rights:

  • Right to a Clean Environment: You have the right to maintain a clean and safe environment in your garden.
  • If neighbours are causing issues by dumping rubbish in your garden, you can report this to your local council.
  • Private Property Rights: As the property owner or tenant, you have control over what happens in your garden, including how you manage waste.

Your responsibilities:

  • Proper Disposal: You are responsible for ensuring that any waste or rubbish in your garden is disposed of properly.
  • This includes using appropriate bins for recycling, general waste, and garden waste.
  • Avoiding Nuisance: Accumulating rubbish that causes a nuisance, such as attracting pests or creating unpleasant odours, can lead to complaints from neighbours.
  • Local councils can issue notices requiring you to clean up your property if it’s deemed a health hazard.
  • Environmental Protection: Certain types of waste, such as hazardous materials, need to be disposed of following specific regulations to protect the environment.
  • Fly-tipping, or illegally dumping waste, is a criminal offence.

Actions you can take:

  • Local Council Services: Most local councils offer waste collection services, including special collections for bulky items or garden waste.
  • Check with your council for available services.
  • Report Fly-Tipping: If someone else is dumping rubbish in your garden, report this to your local council.
  • They can investigate and take action against the offenders.
  • Hire Professional Services: For large amounts of waste or specific disposal needs, you can hire professional waste removal services.

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