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I’m a pest control expert – the 60p hack that will stop ants getting into your home, and it’s safe for kids and pets too

WHEN it comes to getting rid of ants, there are various methods people swear by.

But unfortunately, a lot of the pest remedies involve using substances that are harmful to pets and children – meaning that many parents are unwilling to use them.

If you are struggling with ants getting into your home, there’s a natural repellent you can try[/caption]
Slicing up cucumber and leaving the slices at entry points will help stop the pests getting into your home[/caption]

So people will be thrilled to discover that there’s an all-natural way of keeping ants out of your home, and it will only set you back 60p.

“Cucumber slices can be placed near entry points,” Adam Juson, co-founder of commercial pest control company Merlin Environmental told us.

“This is because ants dislike the bitter taste of cucumber meaning they act as a natural repellent.

“Cinnamon can also be sprinkled at entry points as the strong smell disrupts their scent trails.”

Charcoal powder can also be an effective deterrent for ants too.

“Charcoal confuses ants and inhibits their ability to communicate with each other,” Adam explained.

“Just sprinkle the powder where ants have been seen.”

Adam also detailed how to deal with some other common pests.

Fruit flies

As these annoying little flies are attracted to ripening fruit and vegetables, they are more common in the summer.

To keep them away, Adam advises “emptying bins daily and washing any fruit and vegetables before placing them in cupboards”.

You can also make a liquid deterrent from dishwashing liquid and apple cider vinegar, which will attract the flies and then trap them.


Wasps can be a huge problem in the summer, thanks to their love of sweet food and drinks.

But you can use their love of sugar against them.

Just get a large Coca-Cola bottle, for around £2.

“Pour out 80% of the contents, and cut the top third of the bottle off,” Adam said.

“Turn the cut-off portion upside-down, and place it back into the bottle.

“Seal with sticky tape.

“The wasps will enter the bottle to get the sweet cola, and become stuck!”

Just remember to use a Coca-Cola bottle from a drink that contains sugar, as opposed to a Diet or Zero option.

Common garden pests

Common pests in the garden don’t need to be a cause for alarm. If you can identify them, you can work on getting rid of them and preventing them from returning.

Aphids (Greenfly, Blackfly)

Aphids are extremely common and can impact plant growth. They have tiny soft pear-shaped bodies, and are usually green or black. You may spot them clustered on the stem of soft shoots – look under leaves in particular – or may find a sticky substance on your plants that gives away aphids have been there sucking at the sap.


These small white-winged insects are related to aphids, at just 1 or 2 mm in length, and look very much like white moths as adults. They can be found on the underside of leaves, preferring younger, fresher leaves. They fly in clusters when you disturb them. Their lifecycle is only three weeks long, which means an infestation can occur very rapidly.


An unmissable, squashy-looking body plus small sensory tentacles on its head. Slugs move along on one muscular foot. They range in scale from surprisingly small to terrifyingly large; limax cinereoniger species can grow comfortably beyond 20 cm in length.

Cabbage Moth Caterpillar

Cabbage moth caterpillars happily make their way into the heart of the vegetables, The caterpillars are distinguished in shades of yellow or browny green with no hair.

Mealy Bug

Mealybugs are tiny oval-shaped insects that have a white, powdery wax coating. There are several different species, many of which have what looks like legs coming from their sides and back end. In their earliest stage of life, it’s entirely possible to mistake them for fungus and not recognise them as insects at all.


They’ve been called the most “dangerous creatures in the animal kingdom” because of how they spread disease through their bites.

But there are a few things you can try to keep mosquitoes away.

While a Jungle Formula insect repellent can be effective, and won’t break the budget either – at £5 from Wilko – you can also make your own at home.

“Minced garlic and water can be mixed and sprayed outdoors,” Adam said.

“The strong smell will help to repel mosquitoes. Just be sure to light a candle so that guests are happy too!”

Asian hornets

While there are numerous homemade repellents for most insects, when it comes to Asian hornets, it’s best to contact the professionals.

“Check your garden and home exterior for nests as early detection can prevent infestation,” Adam said.

“If you do notice any signs, it’s best to contact professional pest control as Asian hornets can be aggressive and their stings painful. 

Minced garlic can be helpful in keeping mosquitoes away[/caption]

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