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Email shows plans for 'emergency meeting to consider cancelling the Trump event'

Donald Trump is scheduled to speak in just a couple of hours at the Libertarian National Convention in Washington D.C., but that plan might be in jeopardy, according to a last-minute email.

Trump has already experienced some friction ahead of his talk at the Libertarian event, where it's far from his usual crowd of red hat-wearing MAGA faithful. Even before the event, it was reported that the Libertarian Party's delegates kept "booing" the former president when his name was mentioned.

Now, it appears the entire event could be in jeopardy.

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News2Share editor-in-chief Ford Fischer first reported that Trump's supporters had filled the room where the ex-president is set to speak prior to the conclusion of the Libertarian Party's regularly scheduled business in a separate room.

"What appears to be the first group of delegates since the actual Libertarian Party business adjourned has arrived at the speech, where Trump supporters have already filled in much of the closest seats in the room," he wrote.

The Libertarian Party's chairwoman reportedly told "Trump supporters to give up the from tables and first four rows so that Libertarians can get some seating in front of President Trump at their convention."

"She wants it solved organically but says she could call security," he added.

Fischer continued:

"An email addressed from an at-large member of the Libertarian National Committee sent at 6:03pm appears to suggest an emergency meeting to consider cancelling the Trump event two hours before he’s scheduled to speak."

"I'd like the Chair to call an emergency continuation of our currently open meeting to discuss possibly cancelling the Trump event scheduled this evening unless the room is cleared," the email states.

You can see the email here.

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