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Weekly horoscope for May 26 – June 01: What the stars have in store for every zodiac sign revealed

OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died last year but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégée Maggie Innes.


MAR 21 – APR 20

When you chose to lead – others will follow

Any general “opening up” of life you have been sensing lately is accelerated by Jupiter’s arrival in your communication sector. 

You can find talking to people, and impressing them, comes naturally. 

When you choose to lead, others will follow – so do make sure it’s the best direction for all. 

The lighter you can carry love, the more it can mean, so steer clear of demands and expectations this week. 


APR 21 – MAY 21

Mercury writes your name on a business plan

Riches can flow when you are not looking, anything from a forgotten debt to a ticket bought for you in secret. 

But as the godfather planet shifts signs, the best gifts this week are in emotional gold. 

Trust can return when you free your heart from suspicious feelings. 

A daring moon brings love truth to your lips when you least expect it. 

Mercury writes your name on a business plan.


MAY 22 – JUNE 21

A conversation linked to your birthday carries a hidden love question

As Jupiter joins the planet celebration in your own sign, you are not just a prime party person, but an inspiring example who encourages and energises the world.

This can be the moment to revisit plans for a work or local leadership role. 

A conversation linked to your birthday carries a hidden love question.

When you need Mars fire to assert yourself with a friend, it will be there. 


JUNE 22 – JULY 22

Stop waiting for people to guess and tell them how you feel

You’re a deep, dark well of emotional secrets – but for the next year or so, starting this week, the most generous of planets encourages you to share more. 

Instead of waiting for special people to guess, you can tell them how you feel. 

While at work,  you can discover a flair for upfront honesty and negotiation.  And secret resentment withers away. 

Luck and love both link to “G” names.  


JULY 23 – AUG 23

Luck links you to a famous athletic number

You are a friend in a million – this can include questioning loved ones’ actions or words, if you feel these could hurt them. 

Never doubt love is the bedrock that stays solid, no matter what. 

The Mars effect in your travel zone can make you restless, so do start planning that special trip again, even if you have to start it solo. 

Luck links to a famous athletic number.  


AUG 24 – SEPT 22

The moon suggests a sensual lover who reads your mind and body

Lift your eyes from the prize to appreciate the fresh, fun presence of Jupiter in your chart. 

This doesn’t mean being less determined or driven – just adding in a little more unique creative Virgo. 

If you’ve hesitated to compete in a romance race, now you are out in front. 

So relax and enjoy the experience. 

Single? The moon suggests a sensual dreamer who reads your mind, and body. 


SEPT 23 – OCT 23

Enjoy the journey and try not to be in a big rush to arrive

You are starting to see how many restrictions in your life are put there by someone judgemental – yourself. 

But as Jupiter kindness and generosity take centre stage, freedom can follow. 

You allow yourself to make mistakes, try again, and also to extend that kindness to others. 

This can be the breakthrough a family needs. 

Love is a journey, try not to be in too big a rush to arrive. 


OCT 24 – NOV 22

No more apologising or explaining, be unapologetically you

The “new” you is the true you that you realise has been there the whole time. 

As your chart regroups into positive positions, you can be who you really are, say what you really think. 

No more apologising or explaining.

This may take a partner a moment to adjust to, but long-term you both benefit. 

If you’re single, you seek a soulmate you really want, rather than you feel you need.


NOV 23 – DEC 21

Team playing is your star talent as you help others gel together

Team-playing, home and away, is your star talent – and you have the ability to help all kinds of people gel together. 

You also see simple ways to get complex cash or work deals moving forward again. 

In love terms, wandering eyes stand still – maybe for life – when you spot a tall redhead across a noisy room. 

Current couples both have great ideas for a new future for two.


DEC 22 – JAN 20

The moon pushes you to be more daring and quit always playing it safe

You’re not a natural risk-taker but the moon this week can make you emotionally daring and – at last! – a little more selfish. 

Giving everything up for someone else may feel like a strength but deep down can set up points of passion weakness. 

You need, and deserve, equality. 

If you’re single, work romances can get messy – but with “M” you could find a clear future.  

Luck plays “O” music. 


JAN 21 – FEB 18

Take a leap of faith and celebrate your unique skills

Whatever the Big Idea you have in your heart may be, it can leap forward now with Jupiter’s help. 

Play your part by celebrating your unique skills, instead of hiding them away, or playing them down. 

This can include a gift for pairing music with events, or pictures. 

A dreamy moon can take a vague “T” attraction all the way to a definite date. 

Luck opens a green door. 


FEB 19 – MAR 20

Looking back at your own history, and forward to your future, is easier now – and more productive. 

You can accept mistakes and let them go, rather than carrying them with you. 

This leaves so much emotional space for new feelings and discoveries. 

An address surrounded by trees can be part of this.

Cash that has felt out of control can benefit from making some firm choices, and sticking to them.

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