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Trump ends speech to 'mostly boos' after going 'off prompter' and 'making fun of' his host

Donald Trump continued to needle the Libertarian Party as he sought their votes on Saturday, resulting in him ending his speech to very loud boos.

Trump took the stage to "thunderous" boos, and ended his speech in a similar fashion this weekend.

Trump was booed especially loudly when he called for the Libertarian Party to nominate him, instead of its own candidate, in the election.

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Once that happened, it appeared that Trump decided to ridicule the members by telling them to only nominate him if they want to win for once.

"Or you can just keep getting your three percent," the ex-president said.

Trump repeated the nomination request as he left the stage, as well, resulting in some very loud boos as he stepped away from the podium.

Sonny Bunch, culture editor at The Bulwark, said, "Trump versus the Libertarian Party is the purest 'let them fight' situation I've seen in some time."

Former GOP staffer Tim Miller said, "Trump commits to put a Libertarian in his cabinet and then goes off prompter and starts making fun of the Libertarian party after they boo him."

Ex-Republican strategist Liam Donovan added, "This is a delegation that mercilessly heckled their own nominee in 2016."

"Anybody who sent him into that hall expecting a good result has never seen the cspan clips let alone been to a LNP national convention," the commentator added Saturday.

Independent journalist Aaron Rupar said that Trump was "going full heel on this Libertarian National Convention crowd."

Conservative Tom Nichols wrote, "This Trump speech to the libertarians does not seem to be going well at all."

"Man, I never thought I'd find myself agreeing with libertarians," he added on X. "He can't help himself going off script."

Rupar added that the "Trump speech end[ed] to mostly boos."

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