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Wigan Warriors • Trip to Wembley

Very quiet on here re Wembley. Suppose it’s a sign of a fanbase more than used to our big days out

How many do we think we’ll take down there?
If between us & Wire we can break through the 65k mark I’ll be relieved.
Was really hoping for a Wigan Saints final this year and felt that it was our best bet as a sport of pushing that attendance figure up but also the wider interest & media coverage.

Tips for parking? - I always park at Stanmore & tube the last 4 stops in to Wembley Wembley Park. It’s a tried & tested location and route & one I recommend.
Was considering Wealdstone and their traditional Wembley fan park but they’re not putting it on for the CC final this year. Shame really as I know lots who’ve used it recently for my football teams visit to Wembley and praised the event no end.

Statistics: Posted by Azul — Sun May 26, 2024 8:05 am — Replies 0 — Views 343

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