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Did You Hear About Worksheets

Did You Hear About Worksheets:Incident at the Slide - Pass out questions to the students. Questionsheets should remain face-down on their desks while you read the textaloud to students. When you are finished, ask students to turn theirquestions sheets over and answer the questions. Listening PassageQuestion SheetA Day with Grandma - Sometimes Jacob found it hard to be around his Grandma. Grandmacould not hear very well, so she yelled when she talked. She likedeverything in her house to be a certain way, and she lost her tempereasily when anything got out of place.Listening PassageQuestion SheetSnow Days - Laura lived in Florida. Since it is always warm in Florida, Laura had neverseen any snow. As the winter holidays drew near, Laura started her yearlycomplaint: "I wish we lived somewhere where it snowed!"Listening PassageQuestion SheetA Special Pet - When Albert got home from school and stepped into his front yard, hestopped and looked down. There, in the grass next to the sidewalk, wa...

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