News in English

I’m dating a girl my mum hates but don’t know how to tell her

DEAR DEIDRE: I KNOW my mum will disapprove if I tell her I am dating a girl she hates.

I am a 24-year-old guy and my girlfriend is 23.

I love her and we have been dating for a few weeks now.

We both still live at home.

I get on really well with her mum and dad.

They are so kind whereas my mum is always angry and shouts all the time.

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My parents divorced and I am convinced she isn’t over it even though it happened five years ago. I am an only child.

My girlfriend and I want to get a place together soon but I know it will upset my mum if I move out.

She was less than welcoming to my girlfriend when she met her and I know she hates her.

I feel so much more relaxed in my girlfriend’s company at her family home.

How do I tell my mum I am dating her when I know what her reaction will be?


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DEIDRE SAYS: You are an adult and must live your own life, including who you date and where you live.

If this is something you really want to do and your girlfriend wants it too, then it has to be your decision.

It’s unrealistic for your mum to expect you to live with her forever and if she does disapprove and fall out with you, then it’s not your fault and you are not responsible.

My support pack Standing Up For Yourself will help.

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