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The Last Woke Memorial Day

If the political signs are correct, this will be the last Memorial Day under the corrupt, inept, anti-American Biden regime. The Administration not only repeatedly dishonors the brave service members who died for our country, it added 13 names to...

The post The Last Woke Memorial Day appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

If the political signs are correct, this will be the last Memorial Day under the corrupt, inept, anti-American Biden regime. The Administration not only repeatedly dishonors the brave service members who died for our country, it added 13 names to their ranks during the disastrous Afghanistan pullout. So desperate are Biden’s leftist minions to misrepresent his strategic blunder and subsequent callousness that ex-White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki lied about both in her new book, Say More. Psaki wrote that Biden did not check his watch during the transfer of bodies at Dover Air Force Base three years ago. When the visual evidence utterly refuted her, she had to remove her falsehood from future editions of the book, as the dead heroes’ loved ones rightfully lambasted her.

For the first time in 26 years, no May film will cross the $175-million threshold.

One of them was Steve Nikoui, the father of slain Marine Lance Corporal Kareem Nikoui, arrested last March for shouting out his son’s name during Biden’s State of the Union address. “If the American people want to keep these people in office or keep these people on television and give them, you know, multimillion-dollar jobs [Psaki is now the high-paid hostess of the MSNBC show, Inside with Jen Psaki],” Nikoui said, “Well, they have to answer for that when they die, not me.” (READ MORE from Lou Aguilar: The Leftist Exorcism Has Begun)

This humiliation didn’t stop the Biden Administration from further desecrating the honored dead. Last week, the National Park Service denied permission for the Knights of Columbus to celebrate the traditional Memorial Day Mass at Poplar Grove National Cemetery in Petersburg, Virginia. The Knights have held a Mass on the site every year since the 1960s, but this year the NPS said nyet, adding Marxist anti-Christian fervor to its anti-military brew.

Fortunately, two factors combined to repel the federal secular tyranny. The Founders inserted Freedom of Religion into the Constitution to countermand precisely such despotic repression. And Virginia state government went Republican in 2021 to no longer be controlled by the likes of Democratic governor Ralph Northam, who once advocated for infanticide even post birth. Infamous quote by Northam: “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physician and the mother.”

So, the Knights of Columbus filed a restraining order against the NPS dictum, represented by the First Liberty Institute, one of several crusading nonprofit law firms stymying government repression. Intimidated by the Knights, the Constitution, and tough Cuban-American Attorney General of Virginia Jason Miyares, the Biden Administration capitulated to permit Memorial Day Mass at the cemetery. Miyares delivered the oratory coup de grace.

I’m pleased that the Petersburg Knights of Columbus was granted access to observe Memorial Day and gather to pray and mourn the loss of fallen military personnel,” Miyares said. “The First Amendment very clearly allows religious and non-religious groups to hold these types of gatherings on government grounds. It’s shameful and un-American that they were denied in the first place.

Instantly and astutely contrasting himself against Biden’s unpatriotic agenda, presidential frontrunner Donald Trump made the perfect Memorial Day Weekend move. According to the Daily Caller, the Trump campaign will soon announce “Veteran and Military Families for Trump”, a coalition with over 175 endorsements from decorated Veterans and Gold Star families ahead of next Veteran’s Day. The accompanying press release reads, “Unlike Biden, President Trump has honored America’s veterans.” Doubtless, most soldiers and sailors — plus the Navy Seals summarily expulsed by the Biden Pentagon for refusing to take the undertested COVID-19 vaccine — and their relatives will be pulling the lever for Trump on November 5th(READ MORE: Farewell to the Legend: Roger Corman)

This Memorial Day month also made a less political and more culturally significant mark. For the first time in 26 years, no May film will cross the $175-million threshold, according to Gitesh Pandya of Boxoffice Guru, and probably only one will gross over one hundred million. The tentative number-one movie of the weekend, Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, barely earned $25-million, a fraction of its $168-million budget, and may still lose to The Garfield Movie.

I predicted in this space three weeks ago that Furiosa would be a massive flop. That the male audience it catered to has had enough of the ridiculous uber woman action genre displacing their masculine heroes. That it’s yet another entry depriving them of both female sexuality and femininity, and their ageless ideal of rescuing and winning the damsel. That the entire concept is an unpopular feminist fever dream.

“Men know that in a Mad Max world, the Amazonian warrioress Furiosa would be decapitated, raped, or turned into some barbarian’s slave girl,” I wrote. “Just as in the real world, the most mediocre male athlete can trounce the personal best women while insulting them by pretending to be them. We know what true barbarians did to Israeli women last October 7th,. They raped them, murdered them and their children, and took many of them hostage. And there wasn’t a Furiosa among them to stop it.”

As I’ve also oft stated, Hollywoke folk don’t care about reality. Today, they would rather fail with Furiosa than make an actual Mad Max picture, then have to explain the success of a toxic male hero to their feminist and eunuch peers. It’s especially sad that 79-year-old Australian writer-director George Miller, whose original Mad Max franchise made Mel Gibson into a superstar and influenced the action film for generations, was neutered into this fiasco. But just like Miller himself in 1979, there are young male filmmakers way outside the Hollywoke orbit conceiving believable heroes such as Mad Max that men will applaud. While Hollywood sinks into the bleak dystopian future that Miller so presciently envisioned.

The post The Last Woke Memorial Day appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

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