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Air Force paid drag queen to appear at events, parties


Jake Smith Daily Caller News Foundation The 423d Force Support Squadron is a unit of the U.S. Air Force stationed at RAF Alconbury Air Base in the U.K., and provides services for military personnel and their families stationed at the base. The invoice was included in a batch of files and documents received through the…

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Jake Smith
Daily Caller News Foundation

The 423d Force Support Squadron is a unit of the U.S. Air Force stationed at RAF Alconbury Air Base in the U.K., and provides services for military personnel and their families stationed at the base.

The invoice was included in a batch of files and documents received through the FOIA request by Judicial Watch, including other promotional material for a “DRAG STORY TIME!” hosted by the 86th Force Support Squadron in Germany, hosted by “Drag King, Sauvage” in 2021. Another document depicts a promotional poster for “Drag Karaoke” featuring a disturbing female impersonator “Monarchy of RoyalTEA.”

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“How on Earth is it appropriate to spend our limited defense dollars on promoting these sexually themed events for children and adults rather than on advancing the military’s mission,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement on Thursday. “As we see in these troubling Air Force records, our nation’s military is being ruined by woke ideology.”

A Navy official previously told the Daily Caller News Foundation that the Navy recruited a drag queen – who is an active duty servicemember in the branch – in its “digital ambassador” program meant to promote the branch to new recruits through social media channels like Instagram. The servicemember, Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley, also known as the drag queen “Harpy Daniels,” announced his new role in a social media post in 2022, touting himself as a “leader” and “advocate” for “service members who were kicked out, harassed, bullied or worse for being openly gay.”

The Navy suspended the Digital Ambassador program after the DCNF’s reporting.

The Department of Defense under the Biden administration has embraced several LGBTQ policies across its various branches, including promoting LGBTQ events on bases, allowing transgender individuals to serve in the military and providing taxpayer funding for servicemembers seeking to transition.

Featured image credit: (Screenshot / Facebook / Lexi Andrews)

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