News in English

The Snake Oil Salesman is Coming to Town

By Ana Braga

What if I told you 10 years ago that a snake oil salesman would pass by rural America in 2016 giving away a golden potion in exchange for their brain? Would you believe me? What if I told you he would convince people they needed saving? “Make America Great Again” he whispered as they drank the shiny golden syrup. He proceeded to promise that they wouldn’t be forgotten anymore and that their voice mattered, Even adding, it was time to close the border and take their country back. “I promise you, I’ll build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.”

He shouted as he drove away to the next small town.

Fast forward, to 2024. How will this story end? I wish I could see the future folks, we are just going to have to wait. No matter what, please don’t drink the potion and don’t buy the sneakers of one snake oil salesman, Donald J. Trump.

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