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From cleaning the house to eating from the ‘testicle tree,’ 15 tips for great sex all backed up by science

TODAY marks international sex day – always celebrated in the 6th month and on the 9th day in homage to the saucy love-making position.

Experts believe this is the time our libidos spring back to life as the sun comes out, giving a much-needed boost to our senses after the winter months, when low levels of vitamin D mean we crave sleep, TV and comfort food over hanky panky.

It is international sex day – a date where libidos are expected to start rising for the summer

As sexpert Kate Taylor tells The Sun on Sunday: “This year’s dreary spring hasn’t helped us feel lusty.

“But tonight marks the official beginning of summer loving.

“You’ll naturally start to feel more passionate as we finally swap winter woollies for skimpy summer clothes, socialise more during the long evenings – and go to bed starkers.”

Here are 15 new rules of great sex, all backed up by science . . .

1) Laugh them into bed: Turns out sex really is a laughing matter.

Recent studies found that the more couples joked around between the sheets, the more desire and satisfaction they felt. Knock knock . . . 

2) Play Lego: How relaxed you are before sex correlates to how turned on you will feel later.

Doing something playful and creative (such as building a Lego model or sketching saucy portraits of each other) helps to lower stress and ramp up lust.

3) Keep it clean: Get the Marigolds out. Research has found that clean, organised environments can increase couples’ sex drives.

4) Eat from the “Testicle Tree”: Ancient Aztecs called avocado trees “testicle trees” because of their supposed aphrodisiac qualities.

Modern research backs it up, finding the fruit’s healthy fats and vitamins can help maintain a healthy libido.

5) Take a cold shower: A study in the North American Journal of Medical Sciences found that cold water immersion can increase testosterone levels, which do the job of enhancing sexual desire.

6) Dirty diary: Keep a journal of your filthiest fantasies.

The simple act of writing about your sexual desires has been shown to increase your levels of lust.

Avocado trees were nicknamed ‘testicle trees’ because of their supposed aphrodisiac qualities

7) Reader, I Boffed Him: Watching romantic films and reading steamy books increases your overall levels of desire and arousal, according to a study in the Archives of Sexual Behavior.

8) Masticate: Get those jaws going. Chewing gum boosts cognitive function, improves mood and increases how much interest you have in sex.

9) Lads, eat celery: Celery contains androsterone, a hormone that can increase pheromone levels in men, making them more attractive to women.

10) Ladies, drink pomegranate juice: Pomegranate juice can help to increase women’s testosterone levels and even strengthen their orgasms.

11) Ready, Player Two: Add some Grand Theft Auto to your foreplay.

Couples who played video games together regularly reported higher levels of relationship satisfaction and sexual desire in a recent survey.

Pomegranate juice can help to increase the strength of women’s orgasms

12) Get back to nature: Gardening, simply walking through green spaces and even just watering your pot plants can all help to lower your stress levels, improve your mood and rev up your sex drive.

13) Heavy petting: Looking after a pet can heighten your levels of oxytocin, the body’s most powerful bonding hormone.

In turn, that increases how much affection and trust you feel with your partner.

14) The birds and the bees: Honey is a natural aphrodisiac.

It contains boron, which helps regulate hormone levels, and nitric oxide, which helps to boost blood flow during arousal.

15) Blow your horn: Playing a musical instrument is a known libido booster.

If you can’t hold a tune, just listening to music before (and during) sex will heighten your desire and could even improve your orgasm. 

How relaxed you are before sex correlates to how turned on you will feel later

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