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Black Music Sunday: Celebrating the Cole Porter songbook

Continuing our dual celebration of Black Music Month and LGBTQ+ Pride Month from last Sunday, I thought it would be interesting to explore the works of one of America’s greatest songwriters in The Great American Songbook Hall of Fame: Cole Porter, who happened to be gay. Many black musicians, singers, and instrumentalists savored, favored, and performed his work during his heyday and are still paying homage to him today.

The Great American Songbook is not a literal book, but “the canon of the most important and influential American popular songs and jazz standards from the early 20th century that have stood the test of time in their life and legacy. Often referred to as ‘American Standards,’ the songs published during the Golden Age of this genre include those popular and enduring tunes from the 1920s to the 1960s that were created for Broadway theatre, musical theatre, and Hollywood musical film,” according to The Great American Songbook Foundation.

Porter was born on June 9, 1891, so let’s celebrate his birthday today and enjoy the musical gifts he gave us.

”Black Music Sunday” is a weekly series highlighting all things Black music, with over 200 stories covering performers, genres, history, and more, each featuring its own vibrant soundtrack. I hope you’ll find some familiar tunes and perhaps an introduction to something new.

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