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Warrington Wolves • Todays Cup match v Wigan.

Never felt like we were in the game. There was a clear gulf in standards and Wigan are a well drilled and professional team who wasn't going to be broken down easily. We didn't offer enough to threaten their defence and we made too many errors which let them off the hook and meant we didn't put them under enough pressure to unsettle them.

Still, given where I thought we'd be at the start of the season (a mid table team which was very ordinary in terms of calibre of squad) we are ahead of schedule and I didn't expect Sam Burgess to have us in a Cup Final so soon.

Wigan have definitely got it right in terms of having a culture of building sustained success. This isn't the Maurice Lindsay Wigan of just buying up all the superstars and winning through having world class players in every position. Under Wane and now Peet they have been very good at bringing through local talent and supplementing them with good signings of players who aren't galacticos but have the right attitude and approach. They are always better than the sum of their parts. They play these big games like they play most games, they have a clear plan and are never overawed. Even their young players are well capable of handling big games.

Statistics: Posted by sally cinnamon — Sun Jun 09, 2024 1:23 pm — Replies 63 — Views 7332

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