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Urine Culture And Sensitivity Test - Test normal range, About, Preparation, Test Results & More

what is urine culture and sensitivity?The urine culture test is performed to grow and identify organisms, mainly bacteria and fungi that may cause a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). While in the bladder, urine is normally sterile and free from any organisms. Urinary tract infections are common in females and children than in adult males.The antibiotic sensitivity or susceptibility test helps to select an appropriate antibiotic that is effective against specific types of bacteria or fungi causing any infection. This test needs to be conducted as some types of bacteria or fungi are resistant to certain antibiotics and infections, and they are not cured by treatment with those antibiotics.what is urine culture test?A Urine Culture test is basically a test done to figure out if there any types of germs in the Urine which could lead to infection. Urine, in itself, does not carry any germs, microorganisms or bacteria; but the bacteria generally enters the Urethra from the Urinary Tract and cau...

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