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Here’s a collection of delicious and easy Thanksgiving mains recipes, catering to various dietary needs:

Here’s a collection of delicious and easy Thanksgiving mains recipes, catering to various dietary needs:

1. Easy Lentil Loaf
Ingredients: Lentils, onions, carrots, celery, oats, flaxseed meal, garlic, spices, and ketchup.
Instructions: Sauté veggies, mix with lentils and spices, shape into a loaf, and bake.
2. Shepherd’s Pie
Ingredients: Lentils, vegetables, mashed potatoes.
Instructions: Layer lentil-veggie mix in a dish, top with mashed potatoes, and bake until golden.
3. Holiday Roast
Ingredients: Seitan or chickpea flour, spices, veggies.
Instructions: Form into a roast, bake with a savory glaze.
4. Grilled Portobello ...

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