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This Is Why Preparing For Divorce Is The Most Romantic Thing You Can Do

You’ve said your vows, celebrated with your loved ones and now all that’s left to do after your wedding is, uh, prepare for divorce?

According to a barrister at 4PB, Rhiannon Lloyd, this is exactly what you should be doing and, in fact, it’s the most romantic thing you could do for one another as a married couple.

Speaking exclusively with HuffPost UK, Lloyd said: “The reality of divorce, its brutality, cost and the damage it can inflict, if not handled correctly, on children and families is something any prospective spouses should seriously think about.

“The importance of planning for the eventuality of a split, and minimising it’s impact on you and any future children is underestimated.”

Lloyd wisely added: “What could be more romantic than trying to ensure that you have the best possible chance of remaining a positive presence in each other’s lives and the lives of your future children post any future divorce?”

Well, yes.

How to financially plan for a potential divorce

The barrister recommends that couple start a ‘divorce fund’ to financially see them through any divorce proceedings and ensure that neither party are left out of pocket.

Lloyd explained: “Whereas prenups plan for management of asset division, they don’t ordinarily address contribution to a fund to manage the cost of any eventual divorce process.

“This is now changing and many couples are opting to make joint (or sole) contributions into a divorce fund as well. A fund is set aside, earmarked for the costs ( or even settlement) of any future divorce often in line with the prenup’s provisions.”

As for how much you should put in a divorce fund? Well, Lloyd says that a ‘sensible’ starting point is £100k. Quite unfathomable to most of us, especially during a cost of living crisis.

However, while this sum may make you gulp, Lloyd warned: “It’s important to point out though that even in modest asset cases costs can spiral into the hundreds of thousands when people litigate unreasonably.”


As for the how, Lloyd said: “Any fund would have to be an Escrow or joint mandate account where neither party could withdraw without the consent of the other.

“It would also be sensible, either as part of a prenup, or by way of a separate written agreement, to set out the terms under which either party could utilise sums from the fund, how any excess was to be treated and the parties’ intentions in respect of the fund generally.”

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