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Trump had one honest thing to say at his rally—and the media missed it

Donald Trump's Las Vegas rally on Sunday included his typical MAGA hallmarks: vastly overstated attendance, incoherent rambling about electric boats and sharks, and an almost unbroken stream of false claims about his accomplishments in the White House.

But he also did something unusual. Between his lies about the Black unemployment rate, jobs created under President Joe Biden, and his calling fallen veterans “suckers” and “losers,” Trump slipped in a moment of truth.

After appearing to express concern about his supporters broiling in the triple-digit heat, Trump quickly made it clear that their health wasn’t his concern. 

“We need every voter. I don’t care about you. I just want your vote,” he said. 

Trump followed this up by saying that the media would jump on this statement. 

“See now,” Trump said, “the press will take that and they’ll say ‘he said a horrible thing.’” 

But that was also a lie, since the press is long past actually reporting what Trump says at his rallies.

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