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Andrew Weissmann On Trump's Probation Officer Meeting, Ha

MSNBC legal analyst Andrew Weissmann discussed what Trump might be in for when he has to sit down with his probation officer this Monday.

As we already discussed here, Trump has "a virtual meeting scheduled with a New York City probation officer from his home at Mar-a-Lago with his attorney Todd Blanche at his side after he was found guilty on all counts in the hush money trial against him last month."

As Weissmann made clear to host Jen Psaki, that meeting may include a whole lot of questions Trump doesn't want to have to answer:

PSAKI: I want to ask you about, and it was right before we came on the air, there was some exclusive reporting by NBC News that Trump is scheduled for a Zoom interview with the probation officer tomorrow. It's over Zoom, which I think isn't typical how it's done, although this is not a typical scenario.

How do you expect this to go and what are you watching for?

WEISSMANN: Yeah, so the manner is certainly not normal. Usually, it's in person, not by Zoom, but you can imagine because of Secret Service, et cetera, that accommodations have been made.

You know, this is one where Donald Trump really can, it's his to lose. You know, there's nothing wrong with his telling the probation office, I didn't do anything wrong and I'm not admitting guilt and I'm planning on appealing.

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