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‘No, I Don’t Believe You, and It Isn’t My Fault — It’s Yours’

Back home in Louisiana, we remember something the rest of you probably don’t.

It was right at the end of August 2005, and Hurricane Katrina had just blown through the New Orleans area. The city took a beating from the storm, though interestingly the actual hurricane damage wasn’t anywhere near as extensive as the clobbering all of southeastern Louisiana endured 16 years later when Hurricane Ida barreled through. (READ MORE: Trump-Style Candidates Rising in Europe)

The difference, of course, was that some flawed construction of key levees inside the city came back to bite New Orleans after Katrina had passed, and what would have been a big recovery project then became a Biblical nightmare when those levees broke and the city became deluged with pent-up storm surge from Lake Pontchartrain.

New Orleans wasn’t prepared for that. The state of Louisiana wasn’t prepared for it, either. Most of the problems in evacuating New Orleans residents who couldn’t or wouldn’t get out before the storm were due to state and local incompetence.

But Kathleen Blanco, the Democrat governor of Louisiana at the time — or more to the point, her political staffers, and specifically her communications guru, a hack by the name of Bob Mann — decided to shift blame for the manifest disaster Katrina had become for the state and push the narrative that the then-Republican-led federal government was at fault.

Why? Because New Orleans needed federal troops and didn’t have it, and that was on Bush.

Except it wasn’t, because Blanco didn’t make a formal request. And a few days after the storm, as things were utterly disintegrating in the Big Easy, the whole country got to find that out thanks to Blanco letting that slip on a hot mic during a CNN appearance.

Nationally, this wasn’t all that big of a bombshell. At the time conservative media had a lot smaller megaphone than it does now, and social media virality wasn’t quite a thing yet.

But in Louisiana, everybody knew about Blanco’s hot mic moment on CNN, and her credibility tanked faster than Furiosa at the box office. So much so that by 2007, when she came up for re-election, she was so politically moribund that she didn’t even bother to run. Instead, Bobby Jindal won an easy victory and Blanco disappeared into irrelevance.

Incidentally, Mann, the press hack, landed with a comfy sinecure as a journalism professor at LSU, a perch from which he launched invective-laced social media attacks on GOP politicians for well more than a decade before quitting earlier this year after Jeff Landry was elected governor in November.

I bring this up because Nancy Pelosi seems to have had a Kathleen Blanco hot mic moment:

New video footage provided to House Republicans reveals then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) admitting responsibility for not having the National Guard protect the Capitol building ahead of protests on January 6, 2021.

The footage, Politico notes, was “was shown in a video shot by the former speaker’s daughter, documentarian Alexandra Pelosi, and recently provided to congressional investigators by HBO.” It was never aired — nor did Alexandra Pelosi provide it to the January 6 Committee when it was supposedly investigating the Capitol riot.

Well, go figure.

One wonders whether Pelosi even remembers that exchange. She seems a little slurry in her speech, after all, and it’s not unreasonable to think perhaps something else was involved in that impassioned assumption of responsibility for the security failure that Jan. 6, 2021, turned into.

But boy, did she clam up. And unlike poor Kathleen Blanco, whose hot mic moment was noted by mainstream media, not many people ever saw Nancy Pelosi’s confession until now. (WATCH: The Spectator P.M. Podcast Ep. 51: Hunter Biden Trial Airs Biden Family’s Dirty Laundry)

So the garbage narrative about Jan. 6, that it was an “insurrection” and Donald Trump played a role in it, when Trump clearly attempted to get more security at the Capitol on that day, has been pretty pervasive.

So much so that the gaslighting liars who handle Joe Biden have sicced the politicized Justice Department on Trump and are attempting to prosecute him in Washington over the whole Jan. 6 affair.

I’m recounting this because we’re at a point where no responsible American should believe a single word that comes out of the mouths of anyone in the Democrat Party.

They will lie about literally every facet of every event. They will lie even when it’s to their advantage to tell the truth. They will lie when doing so is destructive to their own interests and those of the people they claim to serve.

But most of all they will lie to avoid taking responsibility for their failures.

It was true in Kathleen Blanco’s case. It’s been true with Pelosi, and not just in this Jan. 6 incident but over a whole rancid career of crooked machine politics. It’s true of Biden, whose lies are so voluminous and easily provable as to insult the intelligence of even the dumbest Americans.

And it’s true of this horribly obnoxious cretin:

When your party is made up of Eric Swalwells, Adam Schiffs, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortezes (she of the recent performative panicked paranoia that Trump will put her in jail if he’s elected) and others just as prolific in their dishonesty, and when some of your worst hacks, like George Stephanopoulos, end up anchoring and running major media operations which dutifully echo the moronic utterances of those habitual liars, well:

We don’t have to take you seriously anymore. We can say, without feeling guilty or that we’re the bad guys, that we’re done.

Screw you, we’re done.

The Book of Matthew pegs these guys pretty accurately:

15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

Lies and incompetence go together quite well.

And the Democrats’ tree bears awful, awful fruit.

We don’t have to eat it. We certainly don’t have to have it forced down our throats.

We’re done.

Never vote for these people again. And demand that your elected Republican representatives force some consequences on these people for the mess their lies, incompetence, and abuses have made of our country.


Another Idealistic Lefty Bites the Dust

The post ‘No, I Don’t Believe You, and It Isn’t My Fault — It’s Yours’ appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

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