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Four games to try to improve your football skills and get kids involved during Euros

THE start of the Euros is the perfect time to kick off a new family fitness regime.

Not only can footie-inspired fun improve your physical wellbeing, it’s also great to teach kids teamwork, co-operation and social skills.

Four games to try to improve your football skills and get kids involved during Euros[/caption]

As official sponsors of Euro 2024, Lidl has already helped more than EIGHT MILLION five to 11-year-olds to improve on the pitch with its Skills football coaching programme.

So score big with the kids with these tips to get yours playing at home or in the park.

Follow the S.T.E.P. principle — Space, Task Equipment, People — used by official FA coaches:

Ensure you have the right space to play and that it is safe to do so.

Make the task you give the kids appropriate for their age and ability. Do you have the right equipment for the game?

Finally, how many people do you have? Some games you can play with just two people, others require a few more.

So get started with this official Uefa Euro 2024 ball for just £2.99 at Lidl.

Uefa Euro 2024 ball, £2.99 at Lidl[/caption]


  • BOUNCERS vs DRIBBLERS: The bouncer has a ball in their hand while the dribbler uses a different ball. The bouncer’s aim is to knock the ball away from the dribbler’s feet by bouncing their ball at it. Once they succeed, switch roles.
  • CROCODILES: One player is the crocodile while everyone else each has a ball. The players have to dribble from one end of a space to the other without being caught and tackled by the croc. If your ball is kicked out of play, stand out of the game. Keep dribbling from one end to the other – the winner is the last player to still have their ball.
  • SHADOWS: This game needs to be played in a pair. Players have to lose their “shadow” by getting at least two metres away. Play for one minute then swap over.
  • IN A SPIN: Rotate slowly three times then attempt to shoot into the back of the net. Are you accurate or off-balance? To avoid any injury if you topple over, make sure this is played on grass not a hard surface.

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