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The madness of King Donald should terrify Republicans

Donald Trump's big return to Capitol Hill Thursday morning was supposed to be an opportunity for Republicans to kiss the ring and for everyone to coordinate policy for the election. When he appeared at the gathering, there was plenty of the former, with Republicans who had dared to criticize his attempted coup breaking out their best apologies. But when it came to discussion on policy, Trump mostly just talked about Taylor Swift, Nancy Pelosi, and his good friend Hannibal Lecter.

It's clear from Trump's rally speeches that he has become increasingly incoherent and scattered. That’s never been more obvious than when a teleprompter outage in Las Vegas left Trump on an extended rant about sharks vs. batteries that corporate media has been working very, very hard to overlook.

But what Republicans saw on Thursday should have scared them silly. Well ... sillier. Because this is a guy who can't even hold it together long enough to say something reasonable during a gathering in his honor. 

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