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10 Open Water Safety Tips - NDPA

Lakes, beaches, and rivers are popular destinations for families during spring break and the summer season. It’s the best way to have some fun family time and remain cool as soon as temperatures rise. Consider the open-water safety tips below if you decide to go this route on your next vacation.Most children in the U.S. drown in open water, which includes natural bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, and oceans, as well as man-made bodies of water like canals, reservoirs, and retention ponds. In 2016, open-water drownings made up 43 percent of fatal childhood drownings.*The first thing needed to prevent drowning incidents when in open water is learning how to swim, which has proven to be a lifesaving skill that can reduce the chances of drowning by 88%. Following the open water safety tips below will also ensure you have the most amount of fun by reducing the risks and hazards that come with open water.1. Swim in a Designated Swimming AreaMost state parks, beaches, and lakefront areas...

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