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How Long Do P-Shot Results Last? | Anazao MD

Have you been feeling a noticeable decrease in the satisfaction of your sex life? If so, it’s time for you to consider a revolutionary treatment called the P Shot, or Priapus shot. Here at Anazao MD in Steamboat Springs, CO, we offer this innovative ED (erectile dysfunction) treatment to our patients. If you’re curious about the best and most powerful ED treatment since the little blue pill came onto the market, keep reading to find out more.How Long Do the Effects from the P Shot Last?The effects from the P Shot will last you about a year, with some patients even seeing results lasting as long as two years. Many factors go into how long your results will last, and there are even ways to extend the effects even longer.However, please remember that results will vary from person to person, like with any cosmetic treatment. Before we get into how you can extend your results, we’re going to explain a little bit about what the Priapus shot actually is.What Is the Priapus Shot?P-Shot treatme...

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