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Gordon Ramsay Says He's 'Lucky' to Be Alive After Bike Accident

Gordon Ramsay Says He's 'Lucky' to Be Alive After Bike Accident

Gordon Ramsay is opening up about a recent bike accident.

On Saturday (June 15), the 57-year-old Kitchen Nightmares host took to Instagram to show off his badly bruised body after the accident and to strongly encourage followers to always wear a helmet.

Keep reading to find out more…In the video, Gordon said that the “really bad accident” happened earlier this week while he was riding in Connecticut.

Luckily he didn’t break any bones, but he did go to a hospital for care.

“It really shook me,” Gordon said about the accident. “Honestly, I’m lucky to be here. Now, from those incredible trauma surgeons, doctors, nurses and the hospital that looked after me this week, they were amazing. But, honestly, you’ve got to wear a helmet. I don’t care how short the journey is. I don’t care the fact that these helmets cost money. But they’re crucial. Even with the kids, a short journey, you’ve gotta wear a helmet.”

“Now, I’m lucky to be standing here. I’m in pain. It’s been a brutal week,” Gordon added while lifting up his chef’s jacket to reveal his heavily bruised ribs. “And I’m sort of getting through it. But I cannot tell you the importance of wearing a helmet.”

In the caption of the post, Gordon wrote, “I’m thankful for all the doctors, nurses and staff at Lawerence + Memorial Hospital in New London who looked after me and checked me out, but most thankful for my helmet that saved my life.”

Another star was also recently injured in a motorbike accident.

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