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'Lathered beautifully': Trump goes off on hair-washing tangent at speech to right-wingers

Donald Trump drifted into a bizarre description of his hair-washing routine as he spoke about energy efficiency standards at a Michigan speech Saturday.

The former president was railing about environmental restrictions he said limited water use in dishwashers.

He said he’d scrapped the energy restrictions during his last administration, but they were put back in place by President Joe Biden. He promised to scrap them again on “day one” if he becomes president again.

Speaking at a convention of Turning Point Action — a group the Anti-Defamation League has linked to a variety of extremists — in Detroit, he told a story about a conversation with the head of a dishwasher company.

“They don't allow us to use water," the man told him, Trump said.

"We need more water. You can't wash dishes unless you have a certain amount of water.

“I said, how much do you need? We need just a little bit more. I said, I'll give you a lot more. I gave them a lot more.

“Now they want to end it again.”

Then he went off on a hair-washing tangent.

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“Do you ever go into a new home where you have a shower? Where the water doesn't come out of the shower head? They put a restrictor on?

“I took all the restrictors off. I took them off. I've had the experience. I take a shower, I want that beautiful head of hair to be nice and wet. Lather, I want it to be lathered beautifully and I get the best stuff you can buy. And I dump it all over and then I turn on the water and the water drips out.

“I can't get the stuff out of my hair. it's a horrible thing. No, it's terrible. You turn on the sink and the faucet, you turn it and no water, practically no water comes.

“So you leave your hands under there. you're trying to get the water.

“Well i revoked all of that stuff and they just put it back on. Isn't that terrible?”

Trump had earlier spoken at a roundtable at a Black evangelical church in the city.

Watch the video below or at this link.

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