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My nightmare neighbours blast their TV all night, I couldn’t believe their response when we asked them to keep it down

BEING kept up by noisy neighbours is nobody’s idea of a good night’s sleep.

Luckily, most will respond kindly to a noise complaint but one long-suffering homeowner was left baffled by their neighbour’s response.

Homeowners was horrified by their rude neighbour’s response to their noise complaint[/caption]

Taking to Reddit, the man shared a snap of the noise complaint letter that had been left for the offending neighbour.

It read: “Recently we have been able to hear your TV in our bedroom. 

“It has woken us up at 2AM and 4AM on different nights this week. Please keep it down.”

And while the letter was seemingly very reasonable, the noisy neighbours did not respond well, scrawling a rude message in response.

They wrote: “Solution: Buy ear plugs.” 

Fellow Redditors were totally baffled by the neighbour’s response, sharing their thoughts in the comments.

One wrote: “I am so acutely focused on not annoying others humans, it annoys other humans. 

“I couldn’t live knowing I was annoying my neighbours at a time like that. These sort of people dumbfound me.”

Agreeing, another added: “No the solution is not being a piece of human garbage and turn your s*** down.”

“Asking someone to turn their tv down at 2AM is more than reasonable,” added another.

Meanwhile others suggested it was time to take revenge on the inconsiderate inhabitants.

One commented: “See for me this is a declaration of war

“I would absolutely invest quality time in researching their day-to-day habits so I could make their life a living hell.”

“Seems like a good time to start learning the drums. Don’t forget your ear plugs neighbourino!” added another.

A third chimed in: “Bagpipes are the nuclear weapon if you want to learn an obnoxious instrument.”

I had a two-year bin war with my next door neighbour

Gemma Smith and Sophie Wood were engaged in a weekly feud for a year over their wheelie bins.

When Gemma moved next door to Sophie, 34, who is unemployed, in November 2020 they were civil to one another.

Gemma, who is single and doesn’t work due to stress, says: “Sophie seemed nice and we’d stop and exchange pleasantries.

“But it all changed at the beginning of 2022, when Sophie’s bin was full and she put her rubbish bag in mine.

“I took it out and put it on top of her bin.

“It fell off, gulls pecked at it and there was rubbish everywhere.”

Both women refused to clear up the mess, claiming it was the other one’s fault.

Gemma says: “I felt so angry.

“There was cat litter spread all over my drive — it was absolutely disgusting and we ended up shouting at each other.

“We were both as bad as each other — we’d walk past each other and I’d tell her she was a lazy cow and to clean up after herself.

“We’d scream insults at each other.”

Within six months Sophie had set up a CCTV camera and threatened to report Gemma to the council.

In retaliation, Gemma set up the baby monitor — which can record video — to try to pin more wrongdoing on Sophie.

Then last July Sophie spotted Gemma in tears on her doorstep following a burglary at her home.

Gemma says: “Sophie came straight round and asked if there was anything she could do.

“We are now the best of friends and help each other out all the time.”

The neighbours had been kept up by the noisy television[/caption]

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