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Everyone can see the pineapple but you have 20/20 vision if you can spot the creepy crawler lurking in 20 seconds

AN eight-legged creature is hiding in plain sight in a mind-bending brainteaser.

Spotting the pineapple is easy, but locating the spider may mean you have better vision than most.

The pineapple is easy to see, but a creepy creature is hiding in plain sight[/caption]

Redditor Strawbmlk posted two pictures of the camouflaged creature on the social media platform.

The first photo shows a kitchen with a pineapple on the counter underneath a row of hanging mugs.

There is a towel and other common kitchen items next to it, and a window with houseplants can be seen in the distance.

The home scene makes it difficult to find where the unwanted visitor is lurking.


Upon further inspection, there’s clearly a predator nearby — a spider hidden in plain sight.

“Excellent wolf spider (pretty sure) camouflage,” the original poster wrote.

“Not a wolf spider. This is a Pisauriid (nursery web spider),” another Reddit user commented.

If you’re still having trouble locating the spider, look a little closer at the pineapple.

The clever arachnid is hanging out in the center of the fruit.

The coloring of the spider helps it perfectly camouflage itself on the pineapple rind.

Although terrifying to some, this particular species is harmless to humans.

The spider was hanging out on the side of the pineapple[/caption]
The spider may look menacing, but it is typically harmless to humans[/caption]


If one brainteaser wasn’t enough, there’s another creepy creature on the loose.

Only those with excellent eyes can spy the danger hidden in the pile of leaves.

Redditor Shaaktea posted a picture of the animal for others to find.

Reddit / shaaktea
Everyone can see the leaves, but spotting the snake is a little trickier[/caption]

“My husband thought I should share this small snake hiding well,” she said.

Several Redditors took a stab at finding the serpent.

“That was a hard one. Such a small snake. Not sure how you even [saw] it. Thanks for sharing,” one said.

“I still don’t see it but there’s one brown leaf that looks like a mean gorilla face in the center,” another added.

“It keeps throwing me off lol.”

“Hahaha, it took me a century to find the snake, but I found the mean gorilla leaf immediately,” a third commented.

“Can’t find it. Maybe I see its tail?” yet another wrote.

“I normally get these fairly quick. This one took me quite a while! Very fun,” one more said.

The snake is cleverly hidden towards the center of the picture, sticking its head out of the leaves.

The snake was hiding in a pile of leaves and grass
Reddit / shaaktea
The small serpent stuck its head out just in time for a photo[/caption]

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