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Emotional Eulogy: Son hails Chilima as great visionary leader

The state funeral service for Vice-President Saulos Chilima is underway at Bingu National Stadium, with dignitaries and mourners gathering to pay their respects. Sean Chilima, son of the late Vice-President, delivered an emotional eulogy, describing his father as a “great visionary leader” who was always inspiring to him and others. “He was a man who […]

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The state funeral service for Vice-President Saulos Chilima is underway at Bingu National Stadium, with dignitaries and mourners gathering to pay their respects.

Sean Chilima, son of the late Vice-President, delivered an emotional eulogy, describing his father as a “great visionary leader” who was always inspiring to him and others.

“He was a man who always made sure to get things done,” Sean said.

“I must admit, as a child, I was not quite certain that my dad was such a hard worker. But he was always the first to wake up in our house for church. He would wake up at 4am every day to pray at his personal altar, which he set up in his house.”

Sean also praised his father’s sporting spirit, saying, “He was a sportsman, and I took after him. He and my mum taught us good morals and always to be humble.”

Ben Chilima, brother of the late Vice-President, called for a comprehensive inquiry into the plane crash that killed his brother and eight others. “This will help the country avoid an accident of similar nature in the future,” he said.

The remains of Vice-President Chilima arrived at the stadium earlier, greeted by mourners, including President Lazarus Chakwera and First Lady Madam Monica Chakwera.

Multitudes have gathered at the stadium, which has been decorated with a gallery of pictures depicting the life of Chilima.

The pictures show the many faces he wore in the course of his duties, from executive to sports to traditional attire.

The late Vice-President will be laid to rest on Monday, June 17, with full military honors.

The post Emotional Eulogy: Son hails Chilima as great visionary leader appeared first on Malawi Voice.

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