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I’ve just given birth and my abusive partner is messaging other women – I fear for the future

DEAR DEIDRE: WHILE I was heavily pregnant with our daughter, my partner was contacting other women.

Throughout my pregnancy, I felt anxious and he wasn’t being attentive enough.

So I went through his phone and uncovered the sickening truth.

I’m 28 and I have been with my partner for 18 months. He’s 35.
I knew he was a “bad boy” when I met him, but I didn’t realise just how much.

I’ve now realised he’s sexted more than 30 women in the past six months. I gave up searching further back.

When I confronted him, he called me a slag.

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He told me he hadn’t cheated and he could message whoever he pleased. I’m reeling and can’t believe how nasty he can be.

I’ve told him what I need from this relationship but he never delivers – he’s abusive towards me instead.

We now have a tiny baby and I fear for the future.

DEIDRE SAYS: You are of course heartbroken, but your baby must be your priority.

It’s not healthy to stay in a toxic relationship with an abusive man.

Either he needs to change his ways or you should think about leaving.
Sadly, leopards rarely change their spots.

There is help available. Contact (0808 802 0925), who help single-parent families.

My pack, Addictive Love, should be helpful too.

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