News in English

Re: Euros - Lack of atmosphere

I remember 20ish years ago when my kids were young and the WC or Euros were on, kids had their face painted, cars had Union Jacks attached houses also flew the flag. Nowadays there is very little of this but there is still a lot of interest in football. Why? Are we scared to be patriotic in this woke country?
We can be offended but we are not allowed to offend, this has been going on for years and unfortunately as citizens of our own country we have allowed it to happen, you only have to look at some of the political marches to see what is happening, I have st george flags flying from my windows for the euros, it's my house , I bought it and no one will ever tell me what to do with it, threats of fines are just threats, the police or the courts won't fine someone for being patriotic and if they do then we may as well just give up being English

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