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I’m 63 and my 3-pronged approach to anti-aging helped reverse decades of sun damage – I take a drugstore buy daily

A 63-YEAR-OLD woman has revealed her three-step method to reverse signs of sun damage.

She said the key to her anti-aging process was a drugstore beauty buy.

A 61-year-old Redditor shared the three things she did that reversed her sun damage (stock image)[/caption]

Reddit user Ok-Bee1579 is 63 years old and proud.

When another Redditor asked if anyone else was “kinda depressed for not starting to take care of your skin earlier” all she said was “nope.”

She revealed in a post that she started taking care of her skin only three years ago after she learned she had rosacea.

A major part of her skincare regimen has to do with applying SPF generously.

“Sunscreen is AMAZING stuff that repairs a lot of sun damage,” she said.

Another Redditor shared a National Library of Medicine study about the benefits of daily sunscreen use.

It read that “daily use of a facial broad-spectrum photostable sunscreen may visibly reverse the signs of existing photodamage, in addition to preventing additional sun damage.”

According to the study, 40% to 52% of people saw an improvement in their skin texture and photoaging after nearly a year of consistent sunscreen use.

The Redditor added that it “not only prevents but also reverses pre-existing sun damage with prolonged use,” and said that it’s “never too late” to make a change.

That isn’t all she did to reverse decades of sun damage on her skin.

“The rest of the things I do are, primarily, barrier repair and collagen production,” she added.

Nonetheless, she said her “skin looks great” and it didn’t take much effort.

Does she wish she prioritized it earlier?

She admitted that she does “a little bit.”

But at the end of the day, you can’t turn back time and can only move forward, which left her great results.

“I look younger than most of my peers,” she said.

When it comes to collagen production, there is a product the 63-year-old woman uses that is a “game-changer.”

The Omnilux Contour Face mask, $395, is a bit pricey but is an important part of her routine.

It is a dermatologist-tested red light therapy device for anti-aging and skin rejuvenation.

Lastly, she said she also takes a PhytoCeramide supplement daily.

Known for skin rejuvenation, some of the benefits include increased skin hydration, smoothness, suppleness, and a more youthful appearance.

Anti-aging tips

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  • Keep your skin hydrated internally by drinking water and externally with moisturizer.
  • Always use sunscreen, even if you’re not in direct sunlight.
  • Use Vitamin C to brighten the skin and don’t forget to apply to your neck.

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