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Mike’s Blog Round-Up

Above, Daryl Hall (and Dave Stewart) covers the Eurythmic's Here Comes The Rain Again. Yup, climate change is here. What are we gonna do about it?

Wonkette proclaims President Handsome Joe Biden is kicking ass on climate change.

Diane Ravitch's Blog has something to say to Texas: the two political parties are very different.

Cassandra's Grandson rounds up a bevy of climate change links, starting with the recent rains and flooding in Floriduh.

The Conversation tells us that the US is losing our wetlands, and suggests how we might save them. Not what you might think.

Bonus Track: Colossal presents water rising around architectural models. Though really pretty, this should make you think.

Thank you for letting me be part of your week! I hope to return soon.

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