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'Cheap fakes': Biden slaps back at misleading Trumpworld photo-crops

The White House is slapping back at a Trumpworld smear campaign against President Joe Biden they say relies on "cheap" gimmicks and manipulations of the facts, according to a new report.

A White House spokesperson Sunday reportedly fumed about what the Daily Beast described as a "deceptively edited clip" of Biden appearing to wander away from a G7 summit event and another purported to show the president "freezing" on stage at a recent fundraiser.

“Fresh off being fact checked by at least 6 mainstream outlets for lying about President Biden with cheap fakes, Rupert Murdoch’s sad little super pac, the New York Post, is back to disrespecting its readers & itself once again,” White House Senior Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates told the Beast. “Their ethical standards could do with a little unfreezing."

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Bates' jab at the Post comes after the New York City tabloid on Sunday published images of Biden and former President Barack Obama at a Hollywood fundraiser at the Peacock Theater, the Beast reports.

The Post shared captioned an image of Biden and Obama leaving the stage, "Biden appears to freeze up, has to be led off stage by Obama."

Video shows Biden and Obama smiling and waving at the crowd before Obama touches the president's arm and the two men exit the stage.

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The Daily Beast notes even some Republican strategists aren't incredibly impressed with efforts to smear Biden for his age of 81.

It's worth noting Trump turned 78 last week, meaning should he regain the White House, he would become the oldest president ever inaugurated. He would also be the first president with criminal convictions on his record.

The strategist told the Beast, “This is the influencer internet wars of spreading disinformation or semi, half-truths.”

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