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I’m a patio-pro – the £1 hack that’ll transform your decking for summer WITHOUT a messy pressure washer

A PATIO expert has revealed a £1 trick to leave your decking sparkling this summer.

With temperatures climbing and summer now upon us, many of us will be planning BBQs and dinner parties outside.

Decking can be difficult to clean[/caption]

However, after a long winter of neglect, you may have noticed that your decking is looking a little grubby.

If so, a patio pro has come up with the perfect solution, and it doesn’t involve using a pressure washer.

It is best to clean your decking once a year to preserve the wood, and prevent the need for costly repairs.

Jimmy Englezos, senior brand manager from Ronseal explained that the best way to get your decking sparkling is to use a two-ingredient method, that costs just £1.

The patio whizz’s method involves using a mix of bicarbonate of soda and white vinegar.

Bicarbonate of soda can be picked up from Tesco for just 65p, whilst white vinegar costs just 40p from Sainsbury’s.

Jimmy revealed that this method can be used on both natural wooden and composite decking surfaces.

Explaining how to use the method, he said: “Simply sprinkle some bicarbonate of soda across the decking surface before mixing one cup of vinegar into a bucket of warm, but not boiling, water.”

“Dip the bristles of a soft-touch brush into the solution and gently scrub the decking surface.

“The bicarbonate of soda will react with the diluted vinegar to help remove any stains, mildew, and mould.

“Make sure to thoroughly rinse the decking afterwards using a pressure washer or garden hose.”

However, he warned that there is one item that should never be used on decking.

Jimmy explained that bleach can corrode screws, nails and fasteners.

This can cause the decking to weaken, and risk being broken.

How to repair broken patio slabs

THE paving specialists at Simply Paving told Fabulous how you can repair broken patio slabs, without the faff.

The experts advised: “If you have a loose paving slab, then it’s unlikely it can be lifted straight by hand. Instead, you will probably need a hammer and chisel to prise the paver free of your patio. 

“To remove loose paving slabs without damaging your flagstones, carefully chip away at the mortar around the paving slab with the plugging chisel and rubber mallet until the slab comes completely loose. 

“Then, slide the spade into the gap left by the mortar and prise the paver free of the patio.

“As you lift it up, place a short piece of timber underneath the spade to act as a lever, making it easier for you while protecting the slab underneath. 

“When the paver starts to give, place the cylindrical wood underneath it and roll the slab out of the patio.” 

Composite decking can also become discoloured and chip if bleach is used on it.

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