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Piers Morgan Asserts Obama/Biden Arm-Grab Incident Reveals More Than a Senior Moment — It Exposes a President Unfit for Office

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In a scathing opinion piece for the New York Post, media personality Piers Morgan has highlighted a recent incident involving Joe Biden that many are citing as proof that he is unfit for the Oval Office.

The incident, caught on video at a high-profile Democratic fundraiser, shows Obama assisting old, feeble Joe after freezing up. This is the third video from last week that shows Biden appearing frozen or disoriented.

Chris Gardner of The Hollywood Reporter shared the viral video with the caption, “That’s a wrap on record-setting Democratic fundraiser for Joe Biden’s reelection campaign (netting $28M),” highlighting the moment when “Obama then grabs Biden’s hand to lead him offstage after a 40-minute conversation with Jimmy Kimmel.”

Morgan, in his piece, did not mince words: “The Obama/Biden arm-grab wasn’t just a senior moment — it was the moment everyone realized the president’s not fit for office.”

According to Morgan, the issue isn’t incompetence but rather Biden’s physical and mental capacity to function at the level required to lead not just the United States, but also the free world.

He suggests that when a former President has to guide the current one offstage due to an apparent “senior moment” and “appears to be paralyzed like a statue on stage,” it should serve as an urgent wake-up call for the party.

Morgan contends that “there is not a snowball’s chance in hell that he can possibly get through another four-year term of presidency — and everyone knows it,” with only five months left until the 2024 general election.

He questions why nobody has advised him to step aside for the good of the party and country.

“Biden is supposed to be America’s commander-in-chief but, at what is a very dangerous time for the world, I wouldn’t trust him now to order a restaurant meal let alone a military strike. So why is he still running?” he said.

Morgan also criticizes high-profile Democrats for trying to convince the public that Biden is still fully competent. He points out that even some long-time Democrat supporters are expressing doubts.

One such supporter is billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman, who responded to Morgan’s post:

“I have been criticized by some for sharing these [President] Biden videos which appear almost every day. I have read numerous articles which somehow suggest that the camera angle, the duration of the clip or some form of right wing manipulation explains Biden’s behavior on camera.

Some people are old at 81 and others are sharp, vigorous, and impressive. Compare Warren Buffett at 93 and Biden at 81. Biden is an old 81 who can’t find his way off a stage or stay present and focused at a G7 conference. Is that who should be the leader of the free world for the next five years?

A president should not have to be led off stage by hand or with an arm wrapped around him. That is the not the image of strength and leadership we need as a country.

Look at what is going on in the world. The perception of weak leadership in the United States has led to global chaos. The reality of weak leadership is a long-term serious and continued threat to our country.

The Democratic Party is destroying itself by advancing Biden for a second term. This is the Emperor’s New Clothes in real life. But it is not a children’s book or a joke. The world is at great risk, and a Biden second term is a grave threat to global security and prosperity.”

Morgan concluded his piece by saying, “If Joe Biden is still the Democrat candidate, Donald Trump will be re-elected.”

The post Piers Morgan Asserts Obama/Biden Arm-Grab Incident Reveals More Than a Senior Moment — It Exposes a President Unfit for Office appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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