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Arizonans Must Move Beyond the Booming Economy Fairytale

Arizonans Must Move Beyond the Booming Economy Fairytale

Biden has nothing to offer the Grand Canyon State but a mirage.

Credit: Joe Sohm/Visions of America/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

“Those appellate courts have to step up and straighten things out or we’re not going to have a country anymore,” President Donald Trump said at a townhall organized by TPUSA in the key battleground state of Arizona over the weekend. He has a point. Let’s face it, Arizona was better under Trump. Our sense of financial security continues to erode under President Biden. . We have a crisis at the border visible by the way our neighborhoods now look compared to only a few years ago. There’s been a massive increase in homelessness within our senior citizen demographic and the fentanyl crisis is killing our children

We Arizonans usually vote for our long-term well-being. We should recognize that if Democrats take the slim House and Senate majority that Republicans hold, it will fundamentally change Arizona for the long run and voting conservative could become irrelevant, as it is in New York or California. 

The good policies Republicans have fought to implement over the last few decades could be eliminated in a single session. Arizonans therefore should be cautious about Democrats turning a single issue such as abortion into a distraction in the upcoming election. Through educating voters about the abortion bill Democrats would like to see enshrined—allowing abortion up to birth—this single-issue focus won’t be successful. Arizonans might not all like Trump, but they are smart enough to vote policy over personality. 

Consider that, with the upcoming 2024 election, the Democrats are painting a lovely picture of Arizona’s “booming” economy, while at the same time trying to make abortion a single issue for voters. Both are merely headlines and Arizonans understand the full story. The average Arizonan is feeling the pinch in wallets from basic cost of living expenses. Most Arizonans have a growing sense of unease about the future of our state. Taking a trip to the grocery store now requires choices on those luxury foods that were once never a thought or consideration. Filling tanks with gas is a hardship. 

There is a concerted effort in the media to mislead by arguing that Arizonans now get gas cheaper, paying just under $4 per gallon which is down a few dollars from last year. But the reality is that Arizonans haven’t forgotten that under Trump our gas was somewhere around $2 a gallon which put more money in our pockets. With fears of the economy getting worse, Arizonans are having to think of securing their financial obligations and the possibility of another four years under Bidenomics, which automatically means putting the brakes on any personal long-term investment plans. The American dream that was to watch one’s children graduate, get a nice job and buy a home, will turn to a nightmare under another Biden administration with added immigration and inflation. 

Misperceptions about Arizona being labeled a battleground state are just that: misperceptions. Arizona is bright red; Republicans just need to show up and vote. Over 300,000 Republican ballots sat on the kitchen table in 2022, never to be cast. We need to push Republicans to get the vote out by hammering on key policies and doing the ground operations more. We understand we are a large factor determining the outcome of the next presidential election, that might determine the politics for the next decade, including immigration and foreign policy. Republicans must prevent the Democrats from winning and implementing their radical policies which would negatively impact the state. Arizona Republicans have the opportunity to rally support all over our nation and mobilize voters to export the conservative values that have made Arizona a great state to live in.

So, here are a few suggestions. 

First, in a new Trump administration, Republicans should focus on policies that benefit the average Arizonan, such as lowering taxes to stimulate economic growth, securing the border to address the immigration crisis, and promoting job creation to boost the economy. Lower taxes for small business owners, for example, will allow Arizonans to keep more of their hard-earned money, while securing the border will ensure the safety and security of our communities. It would lead to further job creation that will provide opportunities for Arizonans to thrive and prosper in their careers. Instead of tax breaks to Universities or even big businesses, conservatives should focus on small businesses more, because they are the backbone of our governing system and economy. 

Second, President Trump’s statement about the importance of appellate courts and the need to focus on Arizona as a pivotal state rings true in light of the challenges facing our state. With a sense of eroding financial security, a border crisis, and increasing homelessness and drug-related issues, it is essential for Arizonans to prioritize long-term well-being over short-term distractions in the upcoming election.

Third, Arizona Republicans must unite and prioritize policy over personality and work toward building a prosperous and secure Arizona under a new Trump administration. For that reason, all debates about the personal likability of the presidential candidates should be ignored because the stakes are much higher. 

By standing together and prioritizing the needs of the average Arizonan, Republicans can make a significant impact on the direction of our state and secure a better future for all. It is crucial for Arizonans to recognize their role as a key factor in the next presidential election and to vote with a focus on policy not personality. In doing so, we will benefit not only our great state but the county long term. Overall, these policies will help improve the quality of life for the average Arizonan and ensure a brighter future for the state.

The post Arizonans Must Move Beyond the Booming Economy Fairytale appeared first on The American Conservative.

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