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Maddow On Trump Campaign's 'Menace And Physical Threats'

MSNBC top-rated host Rachel Maddow outlined in detail the violent hate speech MAGA has been running through Trump's campaign to destroy US democracy.

Maddow: This is not a response to anything.

What this is is just menace and physical threat, right?

It's not politics. It's just power. It's just force.

They're just promising violence. That is what they're offering in this election, that this is how we should run the country now.

We will hunt you down, and you'll know that we're in power, and we're going to get rid of law enforcement, we're going to salt the earth, and we're just going to hunt you down.

This is not some random right-wing media guy.

This is the man who was the campaign manager for Donald Trump and also the senior White House advisor to the former president, who is now their nominee again.

It's not like he's the only one who's saying this thing.

This is what they are offering the American public, and they love it.

They're super excited to be getting done with politics, getting right to the force and violence part of it.

Kari Lake: The next six months is going to be intense, and we need to strap on our—let's see.

What do we want to strap on?

We're going to strap on our seatbelt. We're going to put on our helmet or your Carrie Lake ball cap. We are going to put on the armor of God. Then maybe strap on a Glock on the side of us, just in case.

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