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Secret recording reveals Roger Stone bragging Trump has judges in his pocket for 2024 win

Roger Stone, a longtime adviser to Donald Trump, revealed a plan to have the former president re-take the White House with the help of judges who are prepared to act despite the election results.

Liberal journalist Lauren Windsor caught Stone revealing the plan on an undercover video.

"At least this time when they do it, you have a lawyer and a judge — his home phone number standing by — so you can stop it," Stone explained in the video. "We made no preparations last time, none … There are technical, legal steps that we have to take to try and have a more honest election. We're not there yet, but there's things that can be done."

Windsor provided Rolling Stone with recordings of Stone speaking candidly at Mar-a-Lago on March 19 at a Catholic Prayer for Trump event.

Stone suggested to Windsor's colleague, Ally Sammarco, that U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon would soon dismiss the charges against Trump for allegedly mishandling classified documents.

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"We are beating them," Stone said. "I think the judge is on the verge of dismissing the charges against him in Florida. They're delayed in New York City, and they're now delayed in Washington."

After Stone made the remarks, Trump was convicted of 34 felonies in a Manhattan hush money trial.

Cannon, however, has a history of making rulings that benefit Trump. This week, she will kick off a series of hearings on the possibility of dismissing the classified documents case after Trump attorneys claimed special counsel Jack Smith was improperly appointed. Other courts have rejected similar claims.

Stone told Windsor that the election "can be stolen again."

"We're working on this," he insisted, worrying that "overconfidence" could cause Trump voters to stay home.

Stone said "lawyers, judges, [and] technology" would be the key to putting Trump in the White House even if President Joe Biden is reelected.

In a statement to Rolling Stone, the Trump adviser doubled down on his remarks.

"All of the election integrity provisions that I suggested are perfectly legal and should be part of any ballot Security effort," he said.

Watch the video below from Lauren Windsor.

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