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Kremlin Hypes Trump-Loving Doc’s Claim Biden Has Parkinson’s

Antonio Masiello/Getty Images

The Kremlin’s media mouthpieces have seized on a Trump-loving plastic surgeon’s claim that President Joe Biden might have Parkinson’s.

Dr. Sheila Nazariank speculated on X on Monday that Biden’s “less frequent blinking” and “diminished arm swing” during his so-called freezing episodes are “likely due to a central neurological disorder like Parkinsons.”

Nazariank, who campaigns for President Donald Trump on X and Instagram where she has over 850,000 followers, starred in the Netflix reality show Skin Decision. Her claim about Biden quickly got picked up by The Daily Mail, where it then made its way to Kremlin pool reporter Dmitry Smirnov.

Read more at The Daily Beast.

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