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'Won't mess with the next woman': Hero female holds child rape suspect in headlock

A New York woman is being hailed as a hero after a forceful citizen's arrest that resulted in her putting a suspect in a violent child rape in a headlock.

According to The Daily Beast, "A sweeping manhunt in New York City ended on Tuesday after 23-year-old Angela Sauretti recognized a man in a black hoodie who entered the 108th Street Grocery in Queens at 1 a.m. Sauretti was all but certain this was the face she had seen on Instagram — in an NYPD wanted poster for a man suspected in the machete-point rape of a 13-year-old girl as she walked with a boy her age last week."

The attack occurred in broad daylight, in a park right next to the victim's middle school.

After Sauretti got a nearby friend to agree with her suspicions that the man was the suspect, later revealed to be a 25-year-old unauthorized Ecuadorian immigrant Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, she went in and grabbed him, the Beast reported.

As he struggled to flee, she put him in a headlock, while a nearby woman who realized what was going on, Isabel Caizado, kicked him and struck him with a shoe.

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“He got something that his mother should have done to him,” Sauretti later said of the headlock, adding, “He said, ‘Let me explain!’ I’m like, ‘There’s nothing to explain. You’re a rapist,’” she recalled. “He said, ‘I don’t care.’ I’m like, ‘What do you mean you don’t care? You’re a rapist.’ He said, ‘I don't care.’”

“You did that to a woman, and a woman got back and did this to you.” she told the Beast.

“So it had him contemplating, ‘Maybe I won’t mess with the next woman.’ Because you never know. There’s nice ones and there's ones that will really defend themselves and go all out.”

Inga-Landi, who reportedly had been planning to escape back to Ecuador on a plane the next morning, ultimately managed to wriggle free by removing his hoodie and shirt, and hid under a car, where bystanders surrounded him and prevented his escape until police arrested him.

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