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I’ve signed up my unsuspecting wife to sleep with my best friend

DEAR DEIDRE: Watching my wife have sex with my best friend is my ultimate fantasy.

I can’t stop thinking about it, and now I’m plucking up the courage to ask her to do it, as we’re all going to a party together. He is already on board.

I’m 42 and she’s 40. We’ve been married for six years.

My best friend is 43, and single after getting divorced.

I first started fantasising about him sleeping with my wife a few years ago, after he told me how fit he thought she was.

We were drunk and I joked that they should have sex.

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Soon, it started to take over my mind whenever my wife and I were in bed together. Now I’m obsessed.

Thinking about what he would do to her, and how she’d react, turns me on so much.

The idea seems so wrong… and yet so right too. That’s what makes it exciting.

Although I haven’t directly told my wife what I’d like her to do, I have started showing her both cuckold and threesomes porn.

And lately, during sex, I have introduced sex toys as a substitute for another man.

Next weekend, my wife and I are going to spend a weekend in a hotel up north for a friend’s 40th birthday party.

My best mate will be there too. He’s staying in the same hotel – and we’ve got rooms on the same floor.

I’ve told him he just needs to knock on our door.

The only obstacle to fulfilling my fantasy is that I haven’t yet told my wife.

I have no idea how to broach the subject. What should I say?



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DEIDRE SAYS: You’ve got so caught up in your fantasy and putting it in motion that you’ve forgotten the most important thing – your wife.

If you’re not careful, there’s a danger she could feel ambushed, or worse – like a piece of meat traded between you and your best friend.
And that could wreck your marriage.

Think about whether turning your fantasy into reality will be as good an experience as you imagine.

Seeing your best mate have sex with her could also destroy your friendship.

If you’re still keen to go ahead, engineer a conversation about sexual fantasies with her and see how she reacts when you tell her yours.

My support packs about Sexual Fantasies and Threesomes should give you more food for thought.

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