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WAYNE ROOT: President Trump, You Love Branding. I Have a New Brand for Biden & Democrats: “The Liars Club.”

Credit: Getty Images

By Wayne Allyn Root

Praise God. Thank you, God for exposing Democrats as the pathetic liars, frauds, conmen and scam artists that they are.

Democrats are “The Liars Club.”

To understand what Democrats are really about today, here are three quotes from the George Orwell classic book “1984.” Today’s Democrat Party has copied the script of Orwell’s book word for word…

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

“War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength.”

“The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power.”

–George Orwell, “1984”

For tyrants, dictators and control freaks (ie communists) it’s always about lying. It’s always about telling the lie so many times that it becomes the truth. It’s about convincing people to believe the lies, rhetoric and propaganda, not what they can plainly see with their eyes.

Democrats can’t help themselves. They can’t stop lying. And then when caught in their lies, they refuse to admit they lied, they refuse to apologize, and try to cover it up with more lies.

That’s a clear sign of mental illness.

Just a few examples in the past few days. Former Obama official James Clapper was asked if he would like to retract his signature from the infamous letter signed by 51 former intelligence officials warning Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation.”

Of course, we all now know the laptop is real. Hunter Biden was just convicted of three felonies based on information found on that laptop. It was always real.

Yet when Clapper was asked if he would, in hindsight, like to retract his signature from the fraudulent letter, he gave a one word answer, “NO.”

Democrats (ie communist traitors) can’t help themselves. They are programmed to lie and lie some more, then repeat and rinse. They would rather deny the facts, or lie again, to coverup the lie.

Then there’s Biden’s obvious mental deterioration. Biden literally froze three times in recent days on the world stage- with cameras running. The American people saw all three incidents. They watched them happen with their own eyes. Yet Biden’s White House spokesman still denied what we all saw. She tried to blame all three incidents on “fake edited video.”

Now you know the difference between liberals and liars: SPELLING.

But we should all praise God for exposing all these pathetic liberal lies. And for making them so obvious. The liberal lies about Biden’s deteriorating mental condition are so obvious, that all the other liberal lies are now exposed too.

If you lie about one thing, you’ll lie about everything.

Democrats are so dumb & arrogant they don’t even realize they have branded themselves as LIARS over Biden’s mental health. Now you know you can never trust anything they say, ever again.

Democrats lie like Pinocchio.

They lie each time they open their mouths. They’ve been lying about the state of the economy; jobs; inflation; GDP; the national debt; the intentional destruction of America through open borders; the January 6thentrapment; the torture of the January 6th prisoners; the fraud of climate change; the failure of green energy; the true extent of exploding crime in America; the tragedy of Covid vaccine mandates; the rigged and stolen 2020 election; their treatment of our great ally Israel; our cowardly retreat from Afghanistan; the drastic failure of DEI; the lawfare and weaponization of government against the American people; the rigged trials, judges and juries again President Trump; the transgender brainwashing of our children- it’s all lies, it’s all fraud, it’s all propaganda, it’s all gaslighting.

Democrat lies are destroying America.

And remember, Dr. Fauci just admitted he lied about the origins of Covid, the funding of Covid, the masks and social distancing. He just made it all up. Then he destroyed emails to hide his lies.

So now I’ve got the perfect branding for President Trump. He loves brands. He loves branding Democrats. So, Mr. President, here’s your new brand…

Brand Democrats as “The Liars Club.”

Why is this the perfect brand? Because moderates, independent voters and women don’t like it when we are too harsh. They don’t like it when we call Democrats what they really are: Evil, radical, extreme, Marxist, communist, socialist, fascist, globalist, racist, tyrants, dictators and of course, TRAITORS to America.

Democrats are a combination of those brands. The glove fits. But…if the jury doesn’t like it, and you lose the case, the glove was a mistake (even if it fit). As my wise grandfather used to say, “The customer is always right.”

Conservatives need to convince people who don’t vote for us, to vote for us. These potential “customers” think (whether wrong, or not) that words like “communist, Marxist, and traitor” are too harsh.

But everyone understands the word “liar.” Everyone has met a liar. Everyone has been lied to. Everyone hates liars. Most everyone has been lied to by a cheating boyfriend, or spouse. Most everyone has been ripped off by a lying salesman. That’s why everyone can accept the term “liar.”

Democrats are “The Liars Club.”

It’s simple, it’s catchy, it’s easy to understand and remember. It’s even easier to believe and accept as fact. It reminds everyone (of a certain age) of the famous movie, “The Breakfast Club.” It’s not too harsh, or rude. It’s simply true. It will stick.

All they do is lie and lie and lie. Democrats are “The Liars Club.” Not just Biden. All of them.

It’s so simple, in the end this presidential race boils down to…

President Trump vs. “The Liars Club” and a pack of dirty lies!

HOT OFF THE PRESSES: Watch Wayne’s brand new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.

The post WAYNE ROOT: President Trump, You Love Branding. I Have a New Brand for Biden & Democrats: “The Liars Club.” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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