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Bizarre interview proves it's time for 'full-blown discussion' about Trump taboo: Conway

During an appearance on CNN, Variety's Ramin Setoodeh discussed his new book, "Apprentice in Wonderland: How Donald Trump and Mark Burnett Took America Through the Looking Glass."

Setoodeh, interviewed by CNN's Kaitlan Collins, recalled meeting with former President Donald Trump in 2021 at Trump Tower after he had left the White House and Joe Biden had been sworn in as president.

Trump, according to Setoodeh, "Seemed to think that he still had some foreign policy powers" — adding, "There was one day he told me he needed to go upstairs to deal with Afghanistan — even though he clearly didn't."

READ MORE: George Conway speaking directly in camera to Trump: 'You are a wuss'

Seeing video of that interview on X, conservative attorney and Trumpc critic George Conway warned that Setoodeh's anecdote speaks volumes about Trump's mental state.

Conway tweeted, "Okay, guys, *now* can we have a full-blown discussion in the mainstream media about Donald Trump's mental health?"

In response to Conway's tweet, Rachel Vindman — Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's wife — humorously posted, "Yes, but give me few minutes. I need to go upstairs and deal with Afghanistan."

A Never Trump conservative, Conway is among Trump's most scathing critics on the right and has been aggressively fundraising for President Joe Biden's reelection campaign.

READ MORE:'They live for lies': George Conway delivers scathing assessment of his former party

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