News in English

Bicycling Advocates Meetup – Prince George’s County

You’re invited to join WABA and friends for a Prince George’s County Bicycling Advocates Meetup, Sunday afternoon, July 7, 4 pm-6 pm, at Proteus Bicycles in College Park. This event is free and informal. Come chat, meet other cyclists and advocates, and share your thoughts about community needs and WABA’s advocacy agenda for summer-fall 2024 and beyond.

Around 5:00 pm, we’ll hear a few words from elected officials whom we’re inviting to join us. We’ll also highlight local efforts to improve and create new bikeways and also give anyone interested a chance to share what you’re up to – group rides, workshops, clubs, or other related opportunities.

Come by at any point and stay for as much of the time as you wish. 

Questions? Please get in touch with Seth Grimes at And we hope to see you on July 7!

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