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Five Quick Things: ‘Our Democracy’ Turns Deadly

I keep saying it, and I keep getting proven correct. This is not the constitutional republic you grew up in, and it’s not what you bargained for as an American citizen.

This is more like Bizarro World America. It has been for at least the last 16 years, and really it’s been longer than that.

So many things happen over the daily course of events in this country that  not long ago would have been seen as utterly beyond the pale, unacceptable, a national scandal, and reason for a wholesale reexamination of who we are as a country.

A few columns ago, I noted the Iranian hostage crisis, which strangled to death the Carter presidency. Now, we have Iranian proxies holding Americans hostage in Gaza in the middle of a war there, and not only do we make no effort to save them, but Jimmy Carter’s political descendant actively works on behalf of the hostage-takers in attempting to give them a ceasefire and hundreds of millions of dollars in humanitarian-aid swag.

And nobody seems overly upset about it.

Of course, what seems to be true may or may not be true, because what is reported in the media is only what fits the agenda. An Iranian hostage crisis in 2024 instead of 1979 would never, ever lead the national news.

We’re gaslit by a legacy corporate media that is all but monolithic in political orientation and comfort with serving as a mouthpiece for a failed presidential administration and administrative state. Everyone is uncomfortable with the current state of affairs; no one seems willing to do much about it.

That’s “Our Democracy,” and the few people who profit from the aggressive incompetence and radical iconoclasm leading to the swift decline in the culture, politics, and economics of our society will howl at all of those who they see as a threat to it.

Be careful if you’re not part of the elite. The purveyors of “Our Democracy” are growing ever more vicious.

1. Ask Bryan Malinowski. Oh, Wait, You Can’t.

Malinowski was a relatively nondescript American, which isn’t offered as a way to belittle him. In fact, he was an accomplished and respectable citizen of Little Rock, Arkansas, who served as the executive director of the city’s airport.

He also, as a hobby, bought and sold guns. Which is a relatively nondescript pursuit for a straight white man from Arkansas.

Well, the nondescript in America under “Our Democracy” are no longer protected by their normality. Bryan Malinowski would probably tell you that if he could. It seems his paperwork as a private collector and seller of guns may have been deficient, so instead of contacting him via phone or email and working through the problem with his lawyer, this happened:

According to Mr. Jones, who did not immediately respond to requests for comment, the video showed that at 6:02 a.m., a patrol officer turned on his vehicle’s emergency lights and siren “to announce the presence of law enforcement.” At that time, A.T.F. agents standing outside Mr. Malinowski’s door “began a series of knocking” and announced their presence, Mr. Jones said, citing the recording.

Twenty-eight seconds after knocking, agents used a ram to breach the door, he said.
Mr. Malinowski’s wife, Maer, told The New York Times in an interview that the couple had heard loud noises outside their bedroom door that morning. Mr. Malinowski told his wife to “stay back,” and reached into a drawer for a gun, she said, before walking out into the hallway. She walked behind him, and they saw figures in the darkness, Ms. Malinowski said.


[…] Cummins, a lawyer for Mr. Malinowski’s family, said in a statement that the new details from the prosecutor’s office raised a question: “How long is it reasonable to wait for someone to answer their front door at 6 a.m. in response to unexplained loud pounding in a 3,000 square foot, fully insulated home?”

“Let’s pray the answer isn’t 28 seconds,” he said, adding: “This is far from over.”

Mr. Malinowski had served as the executive director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport since 2019. His friends say that he viewed selling guns as a hobby, and that he sincerely believed that as a private seller, he was in compliance with federal law.

Rep. Clay Higgins was precisely correct in expressing outrage for this dastardly exposition of “Our Democracy…”:

In a sane country, Higgins’ position would be the virtually unanimous one. A sane Congress would begin holding Watergate-style hearings to hold the ATF to account, criminal referrals of its leadership for building an agency culture violative of individual Americans’ civil rights would be issued, and the agency would find its funding slashed and a plan for dividing up its functions among state governments and other federal agencies would move through the legislative process.

Almost everything ATF does would be done better at the state level. But in “Our Democracy,” it’s impossible to consider reorganizing this rogue Gestapo, for the very reason that it is a rogue Gestapo. Joe Biden’s ATF’s mission is to terrorize the public into losing its zeal for gun ownership.

What happened to Malinowski isn’t an accident. A proper and thorough investigation — one best undertaken by Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin, who might consider prosecuting the agency’s leadership under the state’s RICO Act for conspiracy to deny Malinowski his civil rights — will undoubtedly uncover that fact.

None of the purveyors of “Our Democracy” should get the benefit of the doubt. This is anything but the first case where a regular American has been murdered by federal agents actively seeking to suppress legal, protected activity, and despite the fact that it’s been more than a week since this killing, nobody in our ruling class has bothered to comment on what happened to Bryan Malinowski.

2. At Least Ethan Haim Has His Health (For Now)

When they aren’t sending shooters into homes in pre-dawn raids, the Biden Gestapo is engaging in lawfare to “peacefully” incarcerate the undesirables.

You might remember Ethan Haim’s name. Melissa Mackenzie interviewed him for an episode of The Spectacle Podcast earlier this year. Haim, a young doctor in Houston doing a residency at Baylor College of Medicine and who had previously done rotations at Texas Children’s Hospital, uncovered that the hospital was doing sex-change operations on kids that have now been made illegal in Texas, and he blew the whistle on the practice while including the receipts.

But just like intrepid journalist David Daleiden, who exposed Planned Parenthood’s monstrous cottage industry of selling body parts of aborted babies and was prosecuted for telling the truth, Haim has found that the “Our Democracy” crowd isn’t all that friendly to the idea of transparency:

A Houston doctor has been indicted on charges of unlawfully obtaining protected health information for patients not under his care at Texas Children’s Hospital (TCH).

Alamdar S. Hamdani announced the unsealing of the indictment, which outlines 34-year-old Ethan Haim’s alleged actions and his upcoming initial court appearance before U.S. Magistrate Judge Yvonne Y. Ho in Houston.

The indictment, which includes four counts, accuses Haim of accessing sensitive patient data, such as names, treatment codes, and attending physician details, without authorization from TCH’s electronic system. It is alleged that Haim accessed this information under false pretenses with the intent to cause harm to the hospital.

Haim, who was a resident at Baylor College of Medicine with previous rotations at TCH, reportedly sought to reactivate his login credentials at TCH in April 2023 to access information on pediatric patients outside his care. The indictment claims that Haim accessed the data unlawfully and later shared it with a media contact.

n a twist to the case, Haim has been active on social media, alleging that he exposed a secret program at Texas Children’s Hospital and criticized the Department of Justice for pursuing him.

He tweeted, “I blew the whistle on Texas Children’s secret sex change program and the Department of Justice came after me for exposing the truth. After experiencing DOJ corruption, we’ve decided to fight back. If you want to join the fight, donate below. They wanted to intimidate me into silence using every technique the federal leviathan had at their disposal. But they failed. The only way to lose is to submit to corruption. It’s time to fight back harder than ever!” Haim has also set up a legal defense fund, stating, “GiveSendGo | Legal Defense Fund for Surgeon Whistleblower.”

They’re trying to put Haim in prison for 10 years for blowing the whistle on criminals abusing confused kids.

Except this is too big for the Biden DOJ to put a lid on it:

A nurse at Texas Children’s Hospital claims that doctors in the hospital’s child sex-change program committed Medicaid fraud. “The largest children’s hospital in the country is illegally billing Medicaid for transgender procedures.”

A massive scandal.

Vanessa Sivadge is a registered nurse at Texas Children’s Hospital who has worked extensively with the hospital’s “transgender” patients. She taught a child how to inject sex-change hormones. Then she realized she was participating in “deeds of evil and darkness.”

Sivadge was the anonymous whistleblower who denounced TCH’s child sex-change program in an interview with me last year. After that, she says, the FBI sent two agents to her home to intimidate and threaten her.

But there was more. She knew that Texas prohibits state Medicaid funds from being used on “gender-affirming care.” And yet, she noticed that many patients in the child sex-change program were enrolled in state Medicaid—which, she believed, was a violation of the law.

Ethan Haim and Vanessa Sivadge are being persecuted — and they’ll undoubtedly be financially ruined — for trying to save kids. That’s “Our Democracy” for you.

The good news is, while DOJ is bent on ruining them, Haim and Sivadge are winning.

3. There Isn’t Actually Much Democracy in “Our Democracy”

We could illustrate this in lots of ways, but here’s perhaps the most current example:

In a stunning anti-democratic move, the California Supreme Court ruled on Thursday to block an anti-tax initiative from appearing on the ballot.

This initiative, known as the Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act, was backed by the business community and sought to make it more difficult to increase taxes in California. Among other things, it would have required the legislature to obtain voter approval for any new or increased state taxes. There’s nothing groundbreaking about it, as voters in other states have used the ballot box to approve or deny tax initiatives before. But Gavin Newsom and the Democrat-controlled legislature were having none of it and filed a lawsuit to block the measure last fall, claiming that the initiative represented an illegal effort to amend the California Constitution and would hinder critical government operations.

And the California Supreme Court unanimously sided with Newsom.

We found out all the way back in 2008 that attempting to amend the California Constitution by use of a voter initiative isn’t possible. You’ll remember when a proposition was passed by the voters banning gay marriage in the state, and this same California Supreme Court dictated to the voters that their wishes were nugatory.

Now the voters don’t even get to express themselves before being told by the ruling class they don’t matter.

That’s what “Our Democracy” looks like. Pay your taxes, peasants! And don’t bother about the rate; it’s whatever we say it is this year.

4. In “Our Democracy,” You Get Judges Friendlier to Child Molesters Than Political Dissidents

We’ll turn this over to Sen. John Kennedy, who just exposed a couple of new Biden judicial nominees as radicals — and especially a woman named Julia Lipez, a judge in Maine who’s up for the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals but who seems awfully friendly toward pedophiles.

There is a very, very strange aroma around “Our Democracy.” Maybe that’s what Joe Biden keeps searching out with his nose when he dives into the hair of other people’s kids in full view of the public.

5. And Then There Is Caitlin Clark

Nate Hochman wrote a terrific piece earlier this week on the rampant physical abuse being laid on WNBA rookie superstar Caitlin Clark, a straight white girl from a functional family who has a boyfriend and carries herself as a normal female American despite her exceptional talent. As Nate noted, Clark is busy trying to play basketball while everyone else in the league, including the aggressive black lesbians on teams like the Chicago Sky, are trying to enforce lifestyle hegemony on the sport.

Hochman joined Melissa and me on The Spectacle to discuss the issue:

I said during the podcast segment that what Caitlin Clark is beginning to represent is the modern Bizarro World/”Our Democracy” analog of Jackie Robinson, the first black player in Major League Baseball who emerged as one of the best players in the game and blazed a trail other black players followed into deserved prominence in the sport.

Jackie Robinson faced a lot of the same kind of resistance when he came into the league. But Robinson got support from his Dodgers teammates and particularly from Branch Rickey, the team’s owner, who made it clear he wasn’t going to let racism stop him from featuring one of the best players in the league.

And ultimately, baseball absorbed black players because it was stupid not to, and because meritocracy ultimately wins out in sports.

If they’re not utterly corrupted, that is.

Nate wrote that the WNBA is not an uncorrupted sports league. It isn’t even about basketball. It’s about that lifestyle hegemony.

And that’s bad news for Caitlin Clark. She has the potential to bring the league into the mainstream, perhaps make it profitable, or at least not a colossal financial failure subsidized at an eight-figure level by the NBA. But to do that she’ll have to survive the nightly beatings she’s going to get from the Chennedy Carters and Angel Reeses of the world.

I hope she does. My guess is it’s a matter of time before she’s seriously injured on purpose.

At the end of the day, even the worst racists in Major League Baseball knew it was futile and stupid to keep black players out. Robinson was the first of a legion of black players legitimately good enough to positively impact Major League teams, and either one could embrace the influx of talent coming into the league or be humiliated by it.

Nothing about the character of the WNBA indicates that recognition, and the meritocratic mindset that went with it, is prevalent. Even Clark’s own teammates don’t seem interested in defending her.

So Bizarro World Jackie Robinson might not have the same feel-good story to tell as Real World Jackie Robinson.

I hope I’m wrong.

But in “Our Democracy” there don’t seem to be very many happy endings. Maybe that’s why most of us aren’t shaken by the idea that Donald Trump, or whoever, is a “threat” to it.


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