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Call This Quad the ATV of Nazareth, Because It Can Walk on Water

Willcoastal golf carts be, whether out of necessity or novelty, amphibious one day? A thought we couldn’t help wonder while watching footage ofthe Terraquad from Gibbs’ Amphibians in action. If anyone can make this concept work, it’s Gibbs. They successfullypiloted the first legal amphibious craftat over 30MPH at sea and average speeds on land. The Terraquad is even faster, though: on land you’ll get 50 MPH, and in the water, where it’s powered with Gibbs’ own custom jet-propulsion system, you’ll get 45 MPH. A 15-gallon fuel tank probably goes a long way in this little rig, but still, don’t fail to pack extra when you’re at sea. No sign of a rudder on this thing. Quadski (6 images) The two-seater vehiclehas roof bars, a rear-load deck and takes just a few seconds to convert between wheels outor tucked away. It’d be the perfect little rigfor zooming between holes. One thing, though: where your average golf cartpacks about 10-12 HP (and usually governed), the Terraquadhas140. You also pr...

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